7 Best Probiotics for Gut Health

7 Best Probiotics for Gut Health 


Gut health is extremely important for digestion, absorption of nutrients, stress levels, and mental health. Foods that contain probiotics help to maintain a healthy gut. 

The intestines in our gut contain multiple tiny microorganisms, like bacteria, that are beneficial to improve the absorption of nutrients and defend against toxins. The balance of this bacteria is very important and it’s called the gut microbiome. Sometimes the good bacteria can decrease and the bad bacteria can increase, causing issues. 

Probiotics help to support gut bacteria balance. The bacteria from the probiotics line the digestive tract and act as a defense against pathogens from passing through. Probiotics can help to reduce bloating, gas, and diarrhea by improving the bacteria balance in the intestines. Fermented foods are great probiotic food sources to help support a healthy gut microbiome. Fermentation is the process of a microorganism converting or breaking down a substance in a chemical reaction. 

Source: 19584499

Here are 7 best probiotics for gut health:


Another one of the best probiotics for gut health is fermented soy, called tempeh. Soybeans are fermented by first heating them, adding a mold called Rhizopus Oligosporus, and then stored to ferment. Tempeh is high in protein, iron, b vitamins, and magnesium to support gut health and hormones. Studies have shown that tempeh has antibacterial effects on common bacterial pathogens. 

Source: 24053022


Kombucha is a fermented tea product and is one of the best probiotics for gut health. Kombucha is made by adding strains of bacteria or yeast to green tea or black tea and then is left to ferment for at least a week. During the fermentation process, a mushroom film can form on the top of the liquid which is where kombucha gets its name, kombucha means “mushroom tea”. The product formed in the fermentation reaction is acetic acid which is a common acid found in vinegar, and trace amounts of alcohol. Kombucha contains many different kinds of antioxidants, which help with gut health as one of the probiotic food sources because it reduces inflammation. Acetic acid, another product in kombucha, has many antimicrobial properties to aid in gut health.  

Source: 14631833,10888589


Sauerkraut is one of the best probiotics for gut health because it is fermented cabbage. It is made by mixing cabbage, water, and salt in a jar and setting it aside in a dark area for a few weeks. Over time, the microorganisms in the sauerkraut called lactobacillus, initiate the fermentation process by producing lactic acid which drops the pH. Sauerkraut has been shown to have a very high nutritional profile by being high in fiber, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Iron and vitamin C contribute to improvements in your immune system, which will help with improving the gut microbiome defense against pathogens. Sauerkraut also has been shown to protect against leaky gut, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. This is why sauerkraut is one of the best probiotics for gut health. 

Source: 29757214, 30267869


    4. KIMCHI

    Kimchi uses a similar process to sauerkraut in order to ferment, making it one of the best probiotics for gut health. Kimchi is mainly cabbage-based fermented food, though it usually will contain other vegetables in it such as celery, onion, garlic, bell peppers, or spinach. The cabbage which contains the lactobacillus bacteria is responsible for most of the fermentation by breaking down sugars to produce lactic acid. Kimchi is very nutritious by having high amounts of B vitamins, vitamin K, and iron. Kimchi, one of the best probiotics for gut health, is known to have anti-inflammatory benefits by reducing the internal stress response and inhibiting inflammatory markers and compounds. 

    Source: 26907755, 26287368, 30452699

    5. YOGURT

    Yogurt is another one of the best probiotics for gut health. Yogurt is fermented dairy milk by adding live cultures into the milk that will ferment the sugar in the milk called lactose. This process will create lactic acid, and since the pH of the lactic acid is so much lower than the pH of normal milk, this will make the milk curdle to thicken as a yogurt texture. Yogurt is high in magnesium, calcium, protein, b vitamins, and phosphorus which all have positive impacts on hormone function, metabolism, and gut health. Natural yogurt is actually pretty bitter, unlike many yogurts you buy at the store which contain a large amount of added sweeteners. Greek yogurt is a more concentrated form of yogurt because it is strained more times and there is less liquid and less fat. Though the fat in yogurt is actually very important to absorb all of the nutrients and vitamins in it. If you are dairy-free, or allergic to dairy there are plenty of vegan alternatives, but if you do tolerate dairy, then opt for the full-fat version to get the most absorption of nutrients. Yogurt also has all of the great gut health benefits making it one of the best probiotics for gut health. 

    Source: 26447963, 16022746

    6. KEFIR

    Kefir is another of the best probiotics for gut health. It is also a fermented milk drink, but it contains up to around 50 different types of bacteria added to it, whereas yogurt contains a few. Due to this, kefir is a much more potent source of probiotics. The consistency is a liquid, though it is slightly thicker than normal milk. Kefiran is the carbohydrate source in kefir and has been shown to have antimicrobial properties to aid in gut health. Some studies show that the bacteria in kefir can actually inhibit many harmful bacterias like salmonella and ecoli. Irritable bowel syndrome has been shown to have reduced symptoms when patients consume kefir because of the probiotic content. Again, if you have dairy intolerances or sensitivities there are many other nondairy alternatives which include probiotics. 

    Source: 15848295, 24955346, 19220890

    7. MISO

    Miso is also fermented soy, though different from tempeh it is one of the best probiotics for gut health. Miso is a condiment paste made using the Aspergillus oryzae fungus to ferment and is used in soups and sauce. It is noted for allowing easier absorption of nutrients in the body because fermented soy products get rid of the antinutrients. Antinutrients are compounds that can bind to nutrients in the gut, making them harder to absorb. Miso has also been found to benefit symptoms of IBS like bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. This is why miso is one of the best probiotics for gut health.

    Source: 15671685

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