4 Benefits of NAC for Endometriosis

4 Benefits of NAC for Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where bits of tissue similar to the endometrium (uterine living) grow in places other than inside the uterus. This results in severe pelvic pain that ibuprofen and tylenol can’t fix. This tissue is responsive to estrogen levels so when levels fluctuate throughout the month this can affect your pain. Endometriosis is also an inflammatory condition which leads to pelvic pain, digestive issues, and fatigue. Diagnosis is not simple – it requires laparoscopic surgery, but if you experience debilitating period pain it’s important to bring this up with your doctor.

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On the DUTCH hormone test we measure a marker for glutathione, your body’s most abundant antioxidant. NAC turns into glutathione in the body. This marker can indicate if this supplement is right for your body.

NAC stands for N-Acetyl Cysteine, which is the supplemental form of cysteine, an amino acid in our body that aids to produce a powerful antioxidant, glutathione. Antioxidants are powerful compounds that help to reduce inflammation in the body, support glutathione production, improve egg quality, and reduce oxidative stress. 

Source: 31035402

Here are 4 benefits of NAC for endometriosis:

1. Lower Inflammation

Lowering inflammation is one of the benefits of NAC for endometriosis. Inflammation occurs when your white blood cells sense an invader or an area of injury in the body, so they release chemicals to surge the area as well as increase blood flow there. In the case of endometriosis, the foreign uterine tissue that implants in the pelvic region causes inflammation to occur because the body knows that this tissue doesn’t belong. Additionally, endometriosis promotes progesterone resistance, which leads to premature inflammation. 

NAC for endometriosis is beneficial to lower inflammation because a study found that rats induced with acetic acid, a compound that causes inflammation in the body, and then NAC, resulted in a decrease in the inflammatory chemical release than the control group. 

Source: 3010454, 32063886, 23110331

2. Supports Glutathione Production

Glutathione production is the body’s most abundant antioxidant in the body. Supporting this antioxidant is one of the benefits of NAC for endometriosis. Oxidative stress causes inflammation and induces infertility in women with high levels of oxidative stress. Glutathione can eliminate the oxidative stress through destruction of free radicals which are the cause of oxidative stress. In women with endometriosis, there is usually a higher incidence of inflammation due to these free radicals so NAC for endometriosis is beneficial to support glutathione production. 

Source: 28367412

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    3. Improves Egg Quality

    Improving egg quality is another one of the benefits of NAC for endometriosis. Egg quality is found to be diminished in those with endometriosis leading to failed conception and miscarriage. NAC for endometriosis helps egg quality because the egg can become damaged from inflammation in the body, and because NAC helps to support glutathione this is a benefit of NAC for endometriosis. It has also been shown to improve regular ovulation which can assist with a healthy pregnancy. 

    Source: 2254063530654800

    4. Reduces Oxidative Stress

    As mentioned before, oxidative stress lead to inflammation which results in a host of symptoms in those with endometriosis. Oxidative stress damages cells and reduces their ability to function. Reactive oxygen species or ROS enter the body on a daily basis through many different avenues, these reactive species have very high energy levels and can damage cells functionality. Our body responds by sending antioxidants to get rid of the ROS. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance in this system, either too many ROS or not enough antioxidants. In the case of endometriosis, the extra endometrial tissue in the body, can elicit the same affect of a ROS, and since the tissue is not removed it can create a higher amount of ROS and our body won’t have enough antioxidants. Since a benefit of NAC for endometriosis is glutathione production, an antioxidant, this is how it can reduce oxidative stress. 

    Source: 21130690

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