8 Supplements for Stress

8 Supplements for Stress

Stress is a physiological response that happens in the body to a stressor. Normally we associate stress with a hard job, difficult family problems, busy schedules, or hard exams, but we can become stressed due to imbalances in the body not necessarily caused by those external factors. Nutrient imbalances, blood sugar increases, and low hormone levels can all lead to stress. It is important to understand that stress is not always just a product of a stressful lifestyle and that sometimes the stress you feel is an indicator something is imbalance internally. When these imbalances occur our cortisol production is increased from the adrenal glands, which sets off a cascade of negative effects in our body. Luckily there are nutrients and supplements that can regulate this cortisol production. 

Source: 17716101

Here are 8 supplements for stress:

1. B Complex

B Complex contains a multitude of B vitamins that are supplements for stress, specifically B6 and B12. Vitamin B6 is one of our essential water-soluble vitamins, and it plays a crucial role in brain development, cognitive function, and mood chemical production so it makes sense that if we are low or not getting enough through the food we can experience an internal stress response. B6 can also help to balance estrogen and progesterone levels and adrenal function, which regulates cortisol, our stress hormone. Homocysteine is an amino acid produced when proteins are broken down, but at elevated levels, it is called hyperhomocysteinemia which is damaging. These high levels are not good for the body because it can degrade the arterial lining, and increase stress levels. Additionally, vitamin B6 has very beneficial effects on hormone levels because it aids in estrogen metabolism. When there is too much estrogen in the blood this causes estrogen dominance, which when prolonged can cause stress, fatigue, and anxiety inflammation.

Vitamin B12 is another one of the supplements for stress in the B complex. Vitamin B12 is another one of the most common deficiencies in America with about 50% of the population being deficient. Similar to B6, B12 has many functions in numerous metabolic reactions in the body. A study found that B12 deficient mice had increased anxiety and learning deficits compared to the control group. This is due to a similar mechanism in vitamin B6, where B12 influences the clearance of homocysteine in the blood. 

Source: 28545069, 31527485, 31527485, 24511373 

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is one of the supplements for stress. It is a root plant that can be taken to effectively reduce stress. Health benefits can be derived from the concentration of withanolides, which are anti-inflammatory. [5] In one study, those who took the ashwagandha had a 30% reduction in cortisol levels. Can take ashwagandha as a supplement or as a powder to add to meals or beverages.

Source: 9582008, 19633611 

3. Reishi

Reishi is a mushroom with a kidney bean-shaped cap, and it is one of the supplements for stress. It helps your body adapt to stress, rather than decreasing your levels altogether. Reishi also acts as an antioxidant which helps with lowering stress levels. Reishi can be consumed in various powders and blends, not recommended to be eaten as a whole mushroom.

Source: NIH 


    4. Rhodiola

    Also known as golden root, Rhodiola originated in Asia for medicine. It contains a phytochemical known as salidroside, which is the main factor why it is one of the supplements for stress. Rhodiola Rosea is the strain that is the most effective in showing health benefits. Rhodiola also helps to increase energy which can benefit those with depression. It is recommended to take rhodiola as a tea or supplement. 

    Source: NIH 

    5. Omega-3

    Omega-3s are a type of essential fatty acid. Essential means we must get it from food because our body won’t make it itself. Omega 3s are forms of healthy polyunsaturated fats. There are 3 main types of omega-3s: DHA, EPA, and ALA. The usable form that the body needs is DHA and EPA – the best food sources are fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, and sardines. Microalgae is really the only good plant-based source of DHA/EPA, which can be found in supplemental form.  

    While we hear about omega-3s in nuts and seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts, this is the ALA form of omega 3s. ALA is not readily used in the body as is, it must be first converted into DHA and EPA but this conversion percentage is very low, about 10%, so it is more beneficial to consume omega 3s in the DHA and EPA form. 

    From a correlational standpoint, countries with higher daily intakes of omega 3s have a lower incidence of mood disorders like bipolar, depression, and anxiety which are linked with stress. This makes sense with the mechanisms of omega 3s because the brain is enriched with omega 3 consumption by increasing optimal neurotransmitter production like serotonin and dopamine, two of our feel-good mood chemicals. Omega 3s are one of the supplements for stress because, in a 12-week study of medical students who took omega 3s daily, they found up to a 20% decrease in stress symptoms compared to a placebo group. Another mechanism of omega 3s is that they have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that aid in reducing free radicals in the body. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds that cause internal damage and inflammation in the body. If free radicals are maintained in the body for extended periods of time this can cause fatigue and anxiety because the body is under chronic internal stress. 

    Source: 26243838

    6. Magnesium

    Across the nation, about 68% of Americans are found to consume less than the recommended daily intake of magnesium, many of these cases go unrecognized in clinical medicine because levels are rarely evaluated. Magnesium plays a crucial role in the production of your hormones and can help to balance the stress response as one of the supplements for stress. Magnesium is a mineral responsible for over 300 metabolic reactions within the body. In addition, you can think of magnesium as our calming and relaxing mineral. It helps to loosen tight muscles, maintain the health of our muscle tissue, including the heart – the most important muscle, prevent migraine headaches, balance blood sugar, and ease the stress response. The effect on stress is due to our brain’s sensitivity to magnesium, specifically the limbic–hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenocortical axis which controls emotions, and our nervous system. Magnesium can also reduce the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone from the pituitary gland in the brain, and this hormone controls the production of cortisol in your adrenal glands. By consuming magnesium you decrease the internal stress response.

    Source: 28445426

    7. L-Theanine

    Green tea contains a nonprotein amino acid called L-Theanine which is one of the supplements for stress. In a 4 week trial, the group administered L-Theanine had significantly reduced stress symptoms than the control. This is due to the psychoactive effects of L-Theanine because it can act as an agonist for the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, meaning that it can inhibit the molecules that want to bind to the receptor. One of these molecules is glutamate. Glutamate, is a powerful neurotransmitter that helps to send signals from one nerve cell to another. When glutamate is too high then you can experience stress because of the over stimulation of nerve cell signals. 

    Source: 31623400

    8. Holy Basil

    Native to Asia, holy basil is a shrub in, yes, the basil family. It is also one of the supplements for stress. Two phytochemical compounds in holy basil, ocimumosides A and B, are found to reduce cortisol levels. Recommended to take holy basil as a supplement or in tea. 

    Source: 28400848,22455995 

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