6 Ways to Manage Stress

6 Ways to Manage Stress

Stress is one of the main root causes linked with hormone imbalances and symptoms. Stress is a physiological response that happens in the body to a stressor. Normally we associate stress with a hard job, difficult family problems, busy schedules, or hard exams, but we can become stressed due to imbalances in the body not necessarily caused by those external factors. Nutrient imbalances, blood sugar increases, and low hormone levels can all lead to stress. It is important to understand that stress is not always just a product of a stressful lifestyle and that sometimes the stress you feel is an indicator something is imbalanced internally. When these imbalances occur our cortisol production is increased from the adrenal glands, which sets off a cascade of negative effects in our body. 

Cortisol heavily influences our sleep and circadian rhythm. When we wake up in the morning, we get a burst of cortisol to allow us to be motivated to start the day and to get out of bed, and as the day goes on the cortisol will decrease to normal levels so that you feel tired by the end of the day. At this time, your cortisol levels should be at their lowest point. Many women do not have this cycle of cortisol because if you are not getting enough sleep or not getting enough quality of sleep this can inhibit cortisol from dropping throughout the day, and it can cause a spike to occur before bed. A cortisol spike in the evening may be behind your inability to fall asleep, nighttime racing thoughts, or insomnia. Luckily there are easy ways to manage stress. 

Source: 17716101

Here are 6 ways to manage stress with small daily habit shifts

1. Cut Caffeine by Noon

Cutting caffeine by noon is one of the ways for how to manage stress. It's common to reach for a cup of coffee if you feel an afternoon slump. Caffeine is a stimulant and the effects of consuming later in the day can impact the ability to sleep and the quality of your sleep. This is because caffeine can increase stress levels as you drink it later in the day versus just in the morning. If you’re not getting the good quality sleep you’re less likely to wake up feeling rested. Research supports that caffeine can impact the quality of sleep when consumed later in the day. Set a cut off time of 2 pm, opt for a non-coffee alternative, use a smaller mug, and limit caffeine as the day progresses for optimal sleep at night.

Source: 30573997

2. Make Sleep a Priority

Making your sleep a priority is one of the ways to manage stress. You should aim to make a comfortable sleep environment and practice a pre-sleep routine every day. Having a comfortable space to sleep includes having a proper temperature, blackout curtains or an eye mask, and comfortable sleepwear. All of these factors mean that you are prioritizing sleep to get the most quality out of it. Optimally aim for 7-9 hours and to cut screen time down 1-2 hours before bed to incorporate a wind-down routine. 

Source: NIH

3. Incorporate Movement

Incorporate movement of any kind throughout your day is another one of the ways to manage stress. Your movement can be yoga, walking, dancing, resistance training, running etc. Whatever feels best for you and is easy to stay consistent with is what you should do! It is important to note how you feel after you exercise to know if it’s right for you. Especially with cardio, notice if you feel energized afterward or if you feel sluggish and depleted. If you are feeling the latter it may be time to scale back on intensity. Exercise has been proven to help decrease stress levels overall, and help you manage other daily stressors better than if you were not exercising. 

Source: 24030837


    4. Meditate or Take a Mindful Moment

    Meditation is another one of the ways to manage stress. Even a short 3-5 minute meditation is a great way to clear out any stuck energy from the day. Meditation allows your brain to calm down and enter a state where theta waves are predominant. When we are awake and alert our brain has beta waves. Alpha waves bridge beta to theta. Theta waves are where we experience deep relaxation. Try the app Insight Timer. There are some great meditations for sleep that can help you to relax before bed.

    5. Eat Consistent Meals

    Another one of the ways to manage stress is to eat consistent meals. By doing this you will help balance your blood sugar which in turn can regulate cortisol and stress. Insulin is the messenger hormone that helps clear glucose from the bloodstream into your cells. Every time you eat you are raising your blood sugar slightly and insulin will help clear the sugar into the cells for energy. If you skip meals during the day and then you eat a big meal at night this can create imbalances in your blood sugar because insulin has to do all the work at once instead of slowly throughout the day. This impact on insulin can create stress on the body causes cortisol imbalances because there isn’t a consistent flow of food. In addition to eating consistent meals throughout the day, try to incorporate a protein, carb, and fat source at every meal to further improve the flow of insulin and stabilize your blood sugar. 

    Source: 31485387

    6. Explore Your Stressors

    Lastly, exploring your stressors is one of the important ways to manage stress. Stress is physiological to stressors and by taking a look at your life and any lifestyle triggers you may have, you can figure out how to possibly anticipate or manage them. Try to decide which stressors you can and can not control within reason and go from there. The ones you can not control you can learn to cope with those and accept them as they are.

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