What is the Luteal Phase?

What is the Luteal Phase?

It is important to understand the 4 phases of the entire menstrual and what is going on in each one. The luteal phase is the last phase of the cycle. Learning about what is the luteal phase can help you understand your body and your hormones better. 

9 Things you should know about the luteal phase:

1. Insulin Sensitivity Decreases

One of the things to know when learning about what is the luteal phase is that insulin sensitivity decreases. Insulin is the hormone released from the pancreas that shuttles glucose into your cells for energy. When our cells can easily uptake this glucose it means that we are sensitive, but when the cells have a harder time accepting the glucose then this means the sensitivity is decreased.

Source: 10071420  

2. Focus on Blood Sugar Balance

Due to decreased insulin sensitivity, it is important to focus on blood sugar balance when you are learning about what is the luteal phase. Blood sugar can be balanced by decreasing high loads of carbohydrates at one time. Now, this does not mean that you need to go on a low carb diet because there are ways to consume carbohydrates without having an intense impact on your blood sugar. Try to eat multiple smaller meals throughout the day. To achieve this, aim to switch from 2-3 big meals to 4-6 smaller meals during the luteal phase. This will lower the carbohydrate load per meal through the entire day’s worth of carbohydrates will remain the same. Next, try to make all your meals to have a protein, carbohydrate, and fat component. Having all the macronutrients in each meal will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrate into the bloodstream. 

Source: 6368300, 17998028

3. Great Time for Strength Training

Another thing you should know when learning about what is the luteal phase is that this is the best phase to do strength training. Research has shown that strength training can help with insulin sensitivity because you need to utilize stored carbohydrate, muscle glycogen, for energy in these workouts. 

Source: 26523243, 27487746

4. Lasts 12-16 Days

When you are learning about what is the luteal phase, you should know that it lasts 12-16 days making it the longest phase of your cycle. This phase ends once you start menstruating again, which will start your next cycle. If your luteal phase is less than 10 days, then you may not be producing enough progesterone and can increase the risk of miscarriage. Progesterone is the hormone that promotes pregnancy and ovulation, so if it’s not produced enough then miscarriage risk is increased. 

Source: 28065408


    5. Sex Hormones Peak then Drop

    Sex hormones peak and then drop in this phase which another pattern to know when learning about what is the luteal phase. These 3 hormones are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which aid in the preparation of fertilization by increasing libido and energy levels. In addition, the body prepares for fertilization by maturing the uterine glands and thickening the walls of the endometrium. If fertilization does not occur, then these hormone levels quickly decline and prepare to shed the endometrial lining for the menstrual phase. 

    Source: NIH

    6. Serotonin Drops

    Another thing you should know when learning about what is the luteal phase is that serotonin levels decrease during this time. Serotonin is a mood chemical that makes us feel good and happy. When it declines in the luteal phase, this can explain the mood swings or sad emotions you have. 

    Source: 22033555

    7. Great Time to Complete Tasks

    The luteal phase is a great time to complete tasks. This is another thing you should know when you are learning about what is the luteal phase. Completing tasks during this time is beneficial because energy levels are high during the majority of this phase which will motivate you to be productive. 

    Source: NIH

    8. Cervical Fluid Dries Up

    Another pattern to look for when learning about what is the luteal phase is your cervical fluid. Cervical fluid (also called cervical mucus, or vaginal discharge) is a completely normal part of your menstrual cycle and typically follows a pattern throughout the month. It is influenced by estrogen levels in the body. During the end of the luteal phase, your cervical fluid will dry up because of decreasing hormone levels at the end of the phase. 

    Source: 1755453, 527887

    9. Time When You Could Experience PMS Symptoms

    It is important to learn about what is the luteal phase because this is the length of time where your PMS symptoms occur. Though many PMS symptoms may be common, this does not mean they should be ignored or thought of as normal. Life disrupting menstrual symptoms should not be considered normal because they are a sign that something in your body is imbalanced and is affecting your hormones. 

    Source: 26303988

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