Which Exercise is Best During Periods?

Which Exercise is Best During Periods

The first day you start to have a full bleed is the start of your menstrual phase which is the first of four phases in your period. The period phase of your menstrual cycle should last 3-7 days on average. During the start of the menstrual phase, your progesterone and your estrogen are at their lowest point. Your uterine lining is shedding the build-up of tissue and blood from the endometrium. Your energy may be the lowest during this time and your period blood should be a bright or dark red (kind of like cranberry juice). You may still be experiencing some leftover PMS symptoms during the beginning of this phase, like cramps, moodiness, and sore breasts. Though these symptoms are common, if they are life-disrupting or if they cause you to dread your period each month, it may be time to dig a little deeper and decipher what is going on with your hormones. Extreme PMS symptoms are not normal because they are signals that something is wrong and imbalanced with your hormones. 

Source: NIH  

Why lower intensity exercise

Exercise can be a great addition to your routine while on your period in the menstrual phase because it can aid your body in increasing energy levels and reduce any uncomfortable cramping. It is important to note that the best exercise to do during your period are more light intensity bouts of exercise. Anything too intense and strenuous can put a lot of excess stress on the body during this time when your hormone levels are at their lowest. 

Tap into your energy level

Always remember to listen to your body and not to push it when you're getting signals it is not ready. It is okay to take a break from exercise and to do what is best for your body. 

So, which exercise is best during periods?

1. Active rest

Active rest is one of the answers to the question, which exercise is best during periods? Active rest may seem like a contradictory statement, but it is quite simple. Active rest basically means you are not going out of your way to set aside time to do a session of exercise, but instead you are going about your day incorporating little activity in your daily tasks. This would include going on a walk, doing some stretching, going to the grocery store, and doing yard work. Active rest is designed to give your body a recovery day to conserve energy while not being completely sedentary. This is beneficial for your period because it allows you to be somewhat active by moving around, but it will not deplete your energy stores. 

Source: 27980249, 18787373 

2. Light weights

Light weights is another answer to the question, which exercise is best during periods? If you choose this method, you should cut your weight in half at least (ex: you normally use 10 pound dumbbells for bicep curls, on your period you should use 5 pound dumbbells). This is because heavy weight lifting puts a slight stress on the body because you are creating small tears in your muscle fibers which will need to recover and rebuild in the days preceding your workout. This process can be very strenuous and will not help your low energy levels during your period. An alternative to this is light weightlifting because you can still enjoy the movements but with less intensity. 

Source: 31111008


    3. Yin yoga

    Yin yoga is another great answer to the question, which exercise is best during periods? This type of yoga is focused on slow paced movements which utilize chinese medicine ideologies. This type of yoga has been shown to decrease stress which is very beneficial while you are on your period. Doing this type of yoga before bed are great ways to relieve stress and tension at the end of a long day, especially if you're sitting at your desk for most of it. Try adding deep breathing to your stretching routine. This will get your body ready for a restful night sleep + improve your overall quality of sleep. Yin or restorative yoga are great options to relax before bed. Try a 20-minute video on YouTube.

    Source: 29541436

    4. Walking

    Walking is another answer to the question, which exercise is best during periods? Walking at a regular to moderate pace has been shown to also decrease over all stress levels. This is beneficial while on your period because walking will help clear your mind and ease any cramping you may have. 

    Source: 25904964, 30087839

    5. Pilates

    Pilates is another answer to the question, which exercise is best during periods? Pilates is a time of physical activity that includes a series of moderate intensity all body weight movements. This exercise is very accessible because it can be done right at your home. Pilates has principles in it which aim to improve muscular tone, flexibility, core stabilization, and mind muscle connection. These aspects can have positive impacts on your mood during your period. Pilates can be a great form of exercise while on your period because this exercise can reduce stress. 

    Source: 31523676

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