11 Best Foods for Period Bloating

11 Best Foods for Period Bloating

Period bloating usually occurs about 1-2 weeks before the start of the period during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Bloating can occur due to the hormonal shift that occurs right before the period begins. Specifically, having elevated estrogen and low progesterone can result in water retention (bloating). 

To manage period bloating it’s important to support both hormone balance and gut health.

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Period bloating can happen due to:

Gut issues

Low stomach acid

Nutrient deficiencies


Hormonal imbalances

Here are 11 best foods for period bloating:

1. Ginger

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger is one of the best foods for period bloating. It has been found that ginger can support women with nausea and reduce vomiting and nausea symptoms in pregnancy. This is important because nausea and vomiting in pregnancy are typically caused by a rise in estrogen that your body is not used to, just like bloating. A study found that ginger can shorten the stomach emptying time by 4 minutes when consumed after a bowl of soup. If your stomach doesn’t empty quickly, this can cause bloating because of indigestion. 

Source: 27053918, 21218090

2. Peppermint

Menthol, the active component in peppermint, has been shown to have positive effects on improving digestion, making it one of the best foods for period bloating. Peppermint has been used in those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and results indicate that it reduces bloating, stomach emptying, and gas. In a four week study of 57 people with IBS, 75% of the group who took peppermint supplements had improved digestion symptoms compared to only 38% in the placebo. 

Source: 27757180, 17420159

3. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens like spinach, kale, arugula, romaine, and many others contain a B vitamin called folate, making them one of the best foods for period bloating. Folate intake in women was associated with a decline in ovulatory infertility. It is also a vital coenzyme in many metabolic functions that can assist with fertility. Studies show that folate can positively impact increasing progesterone and decreasing anovulation, both are very important for hormone balancing to decrease bloating. 

Source: 25198264, 23050004

4. Cooked Veggies

Cooked veggies are also one of the best foods for period bloating. Raw vegetables have the maximum nutritional value, but certain nutrients can leach out and become less abundant, especially fiber as you cook them. Some people have a sensitivity to too much fiber, so eating cooked vegetables will still provide nutritional value, and it’ll be easier on your digestion and reduce bloating. Though fiber is touted as solving all digestive issues, there is a sweet spot with consumption amounts. Fiber is not digestible, so consuming too much can cause a lot of stress on the intestines. Fiber and the intestines are analogous to a car in traffic, a decent amount of cars will make the traffic run smoothly, but too many will stop traffic altogether.

Source: 22969234

5. Pineapple

Pineapple is gut healing making it one of the best foods for period bloating. It contains a very well absorbed enzyme called bromelin. This enzyme can heal the gut because of its inhibiting effects on diarrhea. It does this by counteracting common pathogens in the intestinal tract by modulating the receptors on the inner intestinal wall. It has many other antibacterial methods that help aid the digestive system from pathogens. Bromelin is also anti-inflammatory so it inhibits inflammatory mediators. 

Source:  23304525, 27602208

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    6. Bananas 

    Bananas are high in potassium, which makes them another one of the best foods for period bloating. When consumed, potassium aids in helping the kidneys flush out sodium, and this results in lowering blood pressure and decreasing bloating. Bananas are also apart of the BRAT diet, which stands for banana, rice, apple sauce, and toast, which are very easy to digest, and they also have low acidity, so they will not upset the stomach. 

    Source: NIH 

    7. Low Sodium Foods

    Bloating results from holding onto excess water and low sodium foods can help reduce this making them one of the best foods for period bloating. Sodium ions attract water out of cells to create higher blood pressure and increased water retention and bloating. Eating low sodium foods will keep water retention to a minimum. As a rule of thumb, most grocery items that come packaged in a can or a box will have a high amount of salt in them to preserve freshness. So, the low sodium foods include fresh produce, whole grains, and dried legumes. 

    Source: 31206400 

    8. Fermented Foods

    Fermentation is a breakdown process that is induced by a microorganism like bacteria or yeast. This process can create foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi. These foods contain probiotics, which are foods that contain microorganisms that benefit our digestive tract. Probiotic and fermented foods are one of best foods for period bloating. The bacteria from the probiotics line the digestive tract and act as a defense against pathogens from passing through. Probiotics can help to reduce bloating, gas, and diarrhea by improving the bacteria balance in the intestines. This is why foods like sauerkraut and kimchi are gut-healing foods. 

    Source: 29757214, 19584499

    9. Cucumber

    Cucumbers have a high water content in them which makes them one of the best foods for period bloating. Water-rich fruits and veggies can help offset water retention from high sodium foods. When there is enough water coming into the bloodstream from food and drinks, the body won’t pull as much water out of your cells results in less bloating. Other water rich foods include: tomatoes, watermelon, red peppers, and raw mushrooms. 

    Source: 22298969

    10. Soups / Stews

    Soups and stews are another one of the best foods for period bloating because they are easier to digest than normal food. Before ingesting, food that is pre-broken down will pass through the stomach much quicker, resulting in faster gastric emptying and less bloating. 

    Source: 23093339  

    11. Water

    Even though water is a drink, it is still notable on this list of best foods for period bloating. Not drinking enough water can lead you dehydrated and this only exacerbates bloating further because your cells will be pulling as much water from the cells as possible to equalize concentrations. Try to aim for 2-3L per day of water. 

    Source: 27551250

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