10 Natural Remedies for Hormonal Acne

10 Natural Remedies for Hormonal Acne

There are many different causes behind why one might struggle with facial acne, which is what makes skincare so confusing for some. One of the causes of acne is hormone imbalances. When you have an overproduction of oil on your skin this can trap bacteria and dead skin cells in a gland on the surface of the skin which causes inflammation and acne. This overproduction of oil can be regulated through your hormones specifically, androgens. Androgens like testosterone and DHEA convert to form DHT which is an enzyme that can increase oil production in the sebaceous glands, the glands that produce oil. Blood sugar imbalances are often a root cause behind elevated testosterone levels, and stress is often the root cause behind elevated DHEA levels. Additionally, around the middle of your cycle near ovulation, testosterone levels will peak so it is common to note if you have acne specifically around this time. If you struggle with hormonal acne, here are 10 natural remedies for hormonal acne.

12 Reasons Why Periods Hurt

12 Reasons Why Periods Hurt

There are many reasons why periods hurt. While period cramps are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate that something is not working properly or that something is out of balance.

Endometriosis is an extreme and intense form of period pain, and it requires a medical diagnosis and treatment. This condition has life-disrupting pain characterized by a growth of uterine tissue somewhere else in the body. To help uncover why periods hurt you need to learn about hormone imbalances and stress. These are the two main causes for why periods hurt.

12 Reasons for Acne Caused By Hormones

12 Reasons for Acne Caused By Hormones

In each pore of our skin, we have sebaceous glands that produce sebum, an oil-like liquid, which helps to moisturize and protect our skin. When too many dead skin cells collect on the top of the skin in conjunction with high amounts of sebum, this can create a clog in our sebaceous glands and will result in inflammation. Our body will respond to this inflammation by sending white blood cells to the site of the clog which forms the white-headed pimples called acne. Imbalance hormone levels can impact the amount of oil we produce which causes hormonal acne.

23 Natural PMS Remedies

23 Natural PMS Remedies

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome which is defined as life-disrupting physiological and psychological changes in the luteal phase of the cycle. Symptoms include cramps, bloating, headaches, nausea, fatigue, and mood swings. After the menstrual cycle begins, symptoms typically disappear. PMS can be predicted due to hormone imbalances with estrogen and progesterone, specifically high estrogen and low progesterone. During the start of the luteal phase, which occurs after ovulation, progesterone is increasing, but if pregnancy doesn’t happen, progesterone will drop by the end of the phase. This drop-in progesterone may be more extreme for some women and this causes estrogen to increase rapidly. Additionally, this hormone imbalance can be caused by other factors such as stress. This extreme shift in hormone levels could be the cause of PMS symptoms. There is a solution though because are so many nutrients are herbs that make up the natural PMS remedies.

20 Reasons for Heavy Painful Periods

20 Reasons for Heavy Painful Periods

There are many reasons for heavy painful periods. While period cramps and heaviness are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate an imbalance in the body.

Endometriosis is an extreme case of period pain and requires a medical diagnosis. This condition has life-disrupting period pain and heaviness characterized by a growth of uterine tissue somewhere else in the body.

A heavy period consists of...

1. A period lasting longer than 7 days

2. Losing more than 80 mL of blood per cycle (or 16 regular tampons or pads)

3. Changing tampons or pads every hour or two

4. Needing to double up on period protection products

5. Having to wake up to change your tampon or pad in the night

6. Planning activities around your heavy period

7. Blood clots the size of a quarter or bigger

8 Benefits of Omega 3 for Hormone Balance

8 Benefits of Omega 3 for Hormone Balance

Omega-3s are a type of essential fatty acid; essential means we must get it from food because our body isn’t able to make it itself. Omega 3s are forms of healthy polyunsaturated fats. There are 3 main types of omega-3s: DHA, EPA, and ALA. The usable form that the body needs is DHA and EPA – the best food sources are fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, and sardines. Microalgae is really the only good plant-based source of DHA/EPA, and it can be found in supplemental form.

While we hear about omega-3s in nuts and seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts, this is the ALA form of omega 3s. ALA is not readily used in the body as is, it must be first converted into DHA and EPA but this conversion percentage is very low, about 10%, so it is more beneficial to consume omega 3s in the DHA and EPA form. Here we will talk about all of the benefits of omega 3s.

17 Foods for PMS

17 Foods for PMS

During the start of the luteal phase, which occurs after ovulation, progesterone is increasing, but if pregnancy doesn’t happen, progesterone will drop by the end of the phase. This drop-in progesterone may be more extreme for some women and this causes estrogen to increase rapidly. Additionally, this hormone imbalance can be caused by other factors such as stress. This extreme shift in hormone levels could be the cause of PMS symptoms. There is a solution though because here is a list of 17 foods for PMS.

7 Foods that Make Cramps Worse

7 Foods that Make Cramps Worse

There are many reasons for painful periods. While period cramps are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate that something is not working properly or something is out of balance. Though many women love to curl up on the couch with a certain comfort snack to help cope with the pain, many of these beloved snacks actually may contain foods that make cramps worse, and your overall period experience worse. While you can definitely enjoy these foods, it’s important to understand which foods may make your cramps worse so you can make connections between the foods you eat and the symptoms you experience.

13 Period Pain Supplements

13 Period Pain Supplements

There are many reasons for period pain. Examples of period pain include menstrual cramps headaches, tender breasts, and even back pain. While these types of pain are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate that something is not working properly or something is out of balance.

Endometriosis is an extreme case of period pain and requires a medical diagnosis. This condition has life-disrupting period pain characterized by a growth of uterine tissue somewhere else in the body.

The Effect of Stress on PMS

The Effect of Stress on PMS

Stress can worsen or contribute to PMS. This is because stress can delay ovulation, which can impact progesterone production. PMS symptoms can often be linked to imbalances in estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone has anti-anxiety effects due to its relationship with GABA, your natural relaxation mood chemical. It is important to understand ways to reduce stress and PMS symptoms because they are so tightly linked together.