8 Herbal Teas for Endometriosis

8 Herbal Teas for Endometriosis

Affecting 11% of the population, endometriosis is a condition where bits of tissue similar to the endometrium (uterine living) grow in places other than inside the uterus. The extra tissue that grows elicits a high inflammatory response resulting in severe period pain. This tissue is responsive to estrogen, so as hormone levels fluctuate throughout the month this can affect your pain. Diagnosis is not simple – it requires laparoscopic surgery, but if you experience debilitating period pain it’s important to bring this up with your doctor. The goal of endometriosis is to reduce pain and inflammation because there is no cure. There are many natural remedies for endometriosis that you can implement starting today to aid with pain. 

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Here are 8 herbal teas for endometriosis:

1. Ginger Tea for Endometriosis

Ginger is a great herbal tea for endometriosis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can be effective to reduce pelvic pain for use as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever with the ability to reduce pain as much as a common NSAID such as ibuprofen. For an effective amount, drink about 4 cups a day. Ginger reduces the production of prostaglandins, which in return reduce common symptoms associated with endometriosis pain such as cramps. Prostaglandin is the hormone which drives pelvic contractions, and it becomes more intense when estrogen levels are high. 

Source: 27274753, 30545531, 28348610, 22781186

2. Fennel Tea for Endometriosis

Fennel can help to soothe menstrual cramps and period pain, making it one of the herbal teas for endometriosis. A study that looked at the effects of fennel and pain intensity during menstruation found that fennel is an effective herb to help with period pain. Study participants took a 30 mg capsule of fennel extract four times a day for three days of the start of their period. Those who took the fennel extract had a significant reduction in period pain symptoms compared to the control group. This makes fennel one of the great herbal teas for endometriosis.

Source: 23559811

3. Cramp Bark

Although there have been many uses for cramp bark, relieving period pain tends to be the most popular. There is a small amount of evidence that cramp bark may be useful for anti spasm effect on the uterus, helping it to relax and alleviate pain associated with endometriosis. This makes cramp bark another one of the herbal teas for endometriosis

Source: 27677719

4. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm tea is another one of the herbal teas for endometriosis that can help to reduce period pain. Studies suggest that lemon balm is a source of antioxidants that can help to lower oxidative stress and inflammation and may also have antispasmodic effects. A study looking at the effects of lemon balm on period pain found that it decreases the severity of menstrual symptoms. 

Source: 29844788, 31011354

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    5. Chamomile

    Chamomile is another one of the herbal teas for endometriosis. This herb has antispasmodic properties which means that it can suppress muscle spasms in the uterus that cause contractions. These contractions are little muscle spasms from the smooth muscle that makes up the uterine area. Additionally, in more extreme cases like endometriosis, a study found chamomile to subside lots of pain associated with that condition as well. This is why chamomile is one of the herbal teas for endometriosis because of its antispasmodic properties. 

    Source: 30588884

    6. Cinnamon

    Cinnamon can help to reduce period pain and cramping making it one of the herbal teas for endometriosis. A study looked at the effect of cinnamon on relieving period pain found that cinnamon can reduce the severity of symptoms. Participants took 1000 mg of cinnamon during the first three days of their menstrual cycle for two consecutive cycles and symptoms were significantly reduced compared to the control group. This makes cinnamon one of the great herbal teas for endometriosis.

    Source: 30396627

    7. Turmeric

    Turmeric contains the active chemical curcumin, which is one of the herbal teas for endometriosis. Curcumin is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiangiogenic, which all can be beneficial for the treatment of period pain, and endometriosis. The antioxidant effects are beneficial to reduce the internal stress response which can balance out progesterone and estrogen, which results in decreased prostaglandins. This is why turmeric is one of the herbal teas for endometriosis. 

    Source: 24639774

    8. Peppermint

    Peppermint is another one of the herbal teas for endometriosis due to its muscle relaxant effects. The active ingredient menthol is great for so many inflammatory problems. A study found that the administration of peppermint is beneficial for reducing the pain of the cramps as well as the duration. A mechanism for this is that menthol has a well known as a ‘cooling effect’. This effect is due to the body’s “cold receptor” TRPM8 which when bound to menthol causes calcium to be released. The release of calcium explains peppermint’s antispasmodic properties to relax the smooth muscle. 

    A study looking at the effect of peppermint on period pain found that it helped to reduce the severity of pain and improve menstrual-related symptoms. The study concludes that peppermint is advised for treating dysmenorrhea (period pain) and has decreased side effects compared to medicinal drugs. 

    Source: 27563318

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