7 Teas for Hormonal Acne

7 Teas for Hormonal Acne

In each pore of our skin, we have sebaceous glands that produce sebum, an oil-like liquid, which helps to moisturize and protect our skin. When too many dead skin cells collect on the top of the skin in conjunction with high amounts of sebum, this can create a clog in our sebaceous glands and will result in inflammation. Our body will respond to this inflammation by sending white blood cells to the site of the clog which forms the white-headed pimples called acne. Hormonal acne is a common symptom of PCOS and can be reduced by balancing out hormones.

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Common hormone imbalances that lead to hormonal acne.

-Mid-cycle acne can be related to elevated androgen levels. Testosterone gets converted into DHT and this is what causes the increase in sebum in the sebaceous glands to further produce acne.

-Pre-period acne can be related to imbalances in estrogen and progesterone. High estrogen levels can inhibit testosterone production too aggressively. When estrogen is produced too much, you can develop overly dry skin, which causes inflammation and irritation, and the sebaceous glands will respond by producing more oil. 

-Stress can increase the androgen secretion from the adrenal glands which cause the sebaceous glands to grow larger. Additionally, the stress response leads to a release of Corticotropin-releasing hormone which is a derivative of cortisol, and this hormone leads to excess lipid production in the sebaceous glands.

Source: https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/acne, 28178574, 25506579, 29255370

The important question we need to be asking is: why is my acne showing up in the first place?

Hormone testing can help you uncover how your hormones are affecting your acne.

This is taking a root cause approach when it comes to understanding our health and hormones. When we answer this question, we are understanding what is driving the imbalance (which is showing up as symptoms in the body).

By addressing the root cause, not simply just the symptom (or the hormone imbalance for that matter), we can find long-term, sustained healing.

I’m here to help you have better periods, symptomless cycles, and optimize fertility (whether that’s now or in the future) all through simple nutrition and lifestyle shifts that feel simple, doable, and empowering (not overwhelming). 


As always, I’m giving away my best hormone tips here, answering your burning questions, and letting you in on the what the science says.

This is the kind of insider info I share with all of my 1:1 coaching clients and students in my signature course, Heal Your Period.

I’m so passionate about sharing this info with anyone on a hormone healing journey, so I’m letting you in with all the info here!

You’re wondering: “are there any foods I can include to help my hormonal acne?”

So, let’s dive in into it!


I have so many hormone, PMS, and PCOS resources that it would be impossible to pack it all into this one article!

There is so much noise and confusion around nutrition and lifestyle shifts to healing your hormones with clarity and ease, which is why I’m so passionate about getting this info into your hands!

Click to view all of my articles!

Work with Krista - explore how I can help you heal your period, say goodbye to hormone symptoms, and support your fertility with private 1:1 coaching or at-home hormone testing!

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    What teas can help hormonal acne?

    Here are 7 teas for hormonal acne:

    1. White Peony & Licorice

    White peony contains a constituent called paeoniflorin, which has been shown to reduce serum testosterone levels. It promotes the aromatization (or conversion) of testosterone into estrogen, making white peony one of the herbs for PCOS. TJ-68 is a traditional Chinese formula containing a combination of equal parts white peony and licorice. In a trial of 34 women with PCOS this combination significantly reduced serum testosterone levels. A small study of nine women aged 22-26 found a reduction in serum testosterone levels after daily licorice intake for two cycles. Testosterone levels returned to pre-treatment levels when discontinued. Licorice can also help if you have low blood pressure or low cortisol levels. This is why white peony and licorice are teas for hormonal acne. 

    Source: 25524718, 1897494, 8012442, 7108310, 15579328

    2. Spearmint

    Spearmint is one of the teas for hormonal acne, particularly for those dealing with elevated testosterone levels. Studies show that spearmint tea helps to decrease free testosterone levels and increase luteinizing hormone (LH), follicular stimulating hormone, and estradiol in those with hormonal acne. This is why spearmint is one of the teas for hormonal acne.

    Source: 17310494

    3. Green Tea

    Another one of the teas for hormonal acne is green tea. It is found that green tea has properties in it to modulate the production and action of many androgens in the body to assist in reducing hormonal acne. This mechanism is due to the catechins in green tea, which are antioxidants. The antioxidants fight inflammation which can be caused when you have an overproduction of sebum in your glands.

    Source: 11773671, 28036057

    4. Nettle

    Nettle, or also known as stinging nettle or urtica dioica, is another one of the teas for hormonal acne. Nettle has anti-inflammatory, testosterone lowering, and blood sugar-lowering effects. A study on 40 women with elevated androgen levels found a significant decrease in total testosterone and free testosterone levels. Due to its testosterone lowering effect nettle can help to reduce excessive sebum production because of downregulating DHT. 

    Source: 24273930, 4784978

    5. Reishi

    Another one of the teas for hormonal acne is red reishi. Red Reishi is a mushroom and adaptogen that helps the body adapt to stress. It has also been shown to have anti-androgenic effects, meaning it can help to lower androgens like testosterone, making it one of the great herbs for PCOS. A study looking at the anti-androgenic effects of 19 mushrooms found that reishi mushrooms had the strongest effect inhibiting testosterone. Red Reishi has been shown to reduce an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which helps with the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High DHT levels are associated with increased acne. Additionally, stress can be reduced with red reishi to help decrease the size of the sebaceous glands. 

    Source: 16029938

    6. Dandelion Root

    Dandelion root tea helps to support proper liver detoxification and is beneficial to lower testosterone naturally. The liver plays an important role in breaking down and clearing hormones, especially estrogen. When estrogen is properly excreted it will prevent recirculation which results in balanced testosterone levels. It was found that the dandelion root is beneficial to promote the granulosa cell growth, which are the main functional cells in the ovaries. By promoting these cells, this means that ovulation can improve, and ovulation occurs when hormones are balanced and functioning correctly. Also, dandelion was found to have anti-inflammatory properties as well which helps to decrease pain. This is why dandelion root is one of the teas for hormonal acne. 

    Source: 28841174, 29998889

    7. Chasteberry

    Chasteberry, also called chaste tree, vitex or castus agnus, is another one of the teas for hormonal acne commonly used to help correct hormone imbalances. While it can be found as a tea, it is often taken in capsule form. Due to the effect chasteberry has on the pituitary gland, increasing the release of luteinizing hormone (LH), this promotes ovulation and raises progesterone levels. Progesterone is released by the corpus luteum, which is what remains after the egg is released from the follicle during ovulation. Typically when estrogen is high progesterone is low, and these imbalances can increase testosterone and acne. 

    You can also experience low progesterone or a luteal phase defect, meaning a short luteal phase. Chasteberry can help to correct these imbalances to normalize the cycle, promote ovulation, and therefore decrease hormonal acne. 

    Source: 23843810, 8369008


    There are several teas to help heal your hormonal acne.

    While we chatted through lots of different options, remember that every body is unique and it’s about determine what works best for your body.

    Remember: simple shifts build to make a big impact over time!

    Healthy skin is possible for you.


    ways to work with me


    If you’re looking for individualized support for period problems, PCOS, endometriosis, stopping birth control, and/or fertility I’m your person! I have select spaces each month for:

    Krista is an integrative dietitian helping you have regular, pain-free periods, symptomless cycles, and optimal fertility! Together we cover: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, cycle tracking, supplements, navigating doctor appointments, and lab testing.

    My signature online program, Heal Your Period is open for enrollment!

    This is your personalized solution for regular, pain-free periods, symptomless cycles, & optimal fertility (now or later), without complicated, soul-sucking protocols, lists of foods you can’t eat, or spending tons of $$$ on unnecessary supplements.

    Heal Your Period is an online course with access to me to answer your burning hormone questions each month! Watch this for a special savings offer!

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