8 Benefits of Omega 3 for Hormone Balance

8 Benefits of Omega 3 for Hormone Balance

Omega-3s are a type of essential fatty acid; essential means we must get it from food because our body isn’t able to make it itself. Omega 3s are forms of healthy polyunsaturated fats. There are 3 main types of omega-3s: DHA, EPA, and ALA. The usable form that the body needs is DHA and EPA – the best food sources are fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, and sardines. Microalgae is really the only good plant-based source of DHA/EPA, and it can be found in supplemental form.  

While we hear about omega-3s in nuts and seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts, this is the ALA form of omega 3s. ALA is not readily used in the body as is, it must be first converted into DHA and EPA but this conversion percentage is very low, about 10%, so it is more beneficial to consume omega 3s in the DHA and EPA form. Here we will talk about all of the benefits of omega 3s. 

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1. Gut Healing Properties

One of the benefits of omega 3s is their gut-healing properties. The gut is made up of tons of healthy bacteria that aid in digestion and absorption. These bacteria need to live in a stable environment where there is proper diversity and quantity of each type of bacteria. When the gut gets irritated from alcohol, stress, toxins, or poor diet inflammation can arise causing a poor quality gut microbiome quality. When the gut microbiome is not at its potential this can lead to intestinal permeability where toxins and undigested food particles can seep past the intestinal wall into the bloodstream to cause more inflammation and infection. Luckily, omega 3s are beneficial for gut healing because they have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation and intestinal permeability. Omega 3s have been shown to have beneficial impacts on this by eliminating the inflammatory particles. 

Source: 20808513 

2. Reduces PMS

Another one of the benefits of omega 3s is that they can reduce PMS or premenstrual syndrome. Headaches, menstrual cramps, breast tenderness,  bloating, and mood swings are all symptoms that occur for women with PMS. These prostaglandins are inflammatory products produced in the body that stimulate contractions in the uterus for cramps and inflammation. Since omega 3s have anti-inflammatory properties, this can help balance out prostaglandins which reduce PMS. 

Source: 27544079, 28707491

3. Stress Relief

Stress relief is another one of the benefits of omega 3s. From a correlational standpoint, countries with higher daily intakes of omega 3s have a lower incidence of mood disorders like bipolar, depression, and anxiety which are linked with stress. This makes sense with the mechanisms of omega 3s because the brain is enriched with omega 3 consumption by increasing optimal neurotransmitter production like serotonin and dopamine, two of our feel-good mood chemicals. Omega 3s are also one of the stress relief nutrients because, in a 12-week study of medical students who took omega 3s daily, they found up to a 20% decrease in stress symptoms compared to a placebo group. Another mechanism of omega 3s is that they have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that aid in reducing free radicals in the body. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds that cause internal damage and inflammation in the body. If free radicals are maintained in the body for extended periods, this can cause fatigue and anxiety because the body is under chronic internal stress. 

Source: 26243838

4. Fertility 

Fertility is another one of the benefits of omega 3s. Another one of the best prenatal supplements is omega 3s which have anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce oxidative stress. Ovaries are negatively affected by inflammation and oxidative stress because the follicles can mature to release the egg under these conditions. Omega 3s promote healthy hormone function specifically with our reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone. Additionally, omega 3s improve cervical mucus quality, making it easier for the sperm to travel into the uterus and for ovulation to occur. Finally, omega 3s have astonishing components that aid in brain and eye function to help the fetus grow. 

Source: 22254027, NIH


    5. Reduces Endometriosis

    Another one of the benefits of omega 3s is that they can reduce endometriosis. Affecting 11% of the population, endometriosis is a condition when uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus and symptoms like excruciating menstrual cramps, heavy flow, and possible lightheadedness can result. This tissue is responsive to estrogen so pain can fluctuate throughout the month based on dependent hormone levels. Fortunately, omega 3s have been found to inhibit the implantation of the endometrial tissue in the first place, and they also discourage further growth. 

    Source: 20808513, 11591404

    6. Reduces Anxiety 

    Another one of the benefits of omega 3s is that they can reduce anxiety.  As mentioned with stress, omega 3s work to enrich mechanisms of the brain that respond to happiness. Additionally, countries with higher daily intakes of omega 3s have a lower incidence of mood disorders including anxiety. Another mechanism of omega 3s is that they have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that aid in reducing free radicals in the body. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds that cause internal damage and inflammation in the body. If free radicals are maintained in the body for extended periods of time this can cause anxiety because the body is under chronic internal stress. 

    Source: 26243838

    7. Reduces Hormonal Acne 

    Reducing hormonal acne is another one of the benefits of omega 3s. Most western diets consume a ratio of 1:20 of omega 3 to omega 6 when it should be 1:3. This evidence is correlated with acne incidence, showing that omega 6’s are pro-inflammatory and cause acne while omega 3’s have protective effects to decrease acne. Inflammation is what causes the red appearance of a pimple. When too many dead skin cells or excessive oil is produced, this irritates the gland and creates a clog, and the body will send antibodies to the location creating inflammation to fight the infection of the pimple. 

    Source: 20808513  

    8. Brain Health 

    Lastly, brain health is one of the benefits of omega 3s as well. Omega 3s promote the structure of parts of cellular health specifically phospholipids and the cell membrane. The DHA type of omega 3 is the most abundant polyunsaturated fat in the brain so it’s important to maintain its abundance for proper brain function. Studies have also found associations between omega 3 consumption and larger brain sections volume like the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain we used for memory. 

    Source: NIH

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