10 Period Constipation Remedies

10 Period Constipation Remedies

Period constipation can be something you experience due to the rise in progesterone that immediately follows ovulation. You may experience period constipation during the luteal phase, or the week or two before your next period and right after ovulation. Progesterone acts as a muscle relaxant in the body and this can be the reason you’re experiencing constipation closer to your period. Your intestines move food and waste throughout your digestive track via a contraction mechanism called peristalsis.

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The relaxant effect of progesterone relaxes this wave-like response that requires contraction to move food and waste along. If this mechanism isn’t moving along because the muscles are not contracting then this can result in constipation. As progesterone drops you may find you experience constipation relief. If you are experiencing period constipation there are several natural remedies that can help keep things moving along.

Here are 10 period constipation remedies:

1. Magnesium Citrate for Period Constipation

Magnesium citrate is a form of magnesium that has natural osmotic laxative effects and works by softening the stool by drawing water into the intestines. Supplementing with a starting amount of 300 mg of magnesium citrate in the evening before bed and increasing as needed may help you find period constipation relief.

2. Hydration for Period Constipation

Dehydration is one of the most common reasons behind constipation. Making sure you’re staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eating water-rich foods like cucumbers is an important step to helping your period constipation. A good goal is to aim to have one 32-ounce water bottle by the end of each meal, so 3 total each day. And it doesn’t just have to be water - herbal teas also contribute to your water intake for the day!

3. Fiber for Period constipation

Fiber is the edible portions of a plant that are not digested or broken down by enzymes in the digestive tract, but serve as food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Fiber helps to add bulk to your stool so it moves through the digestive system easier. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds to increase your fiber intake to help relieve period constipation.

4. Probiotics for Period Constipation

Probiotics help to boost the beneficial bacteria that lives in the gut. Dysbiosis, or an imbalance in our good and bad bacteria in the gut can result in constipation as a symptom. Including probiotic foods can help to relief period constipation. Include foods like fermented veggies (sauerkraut, kimchi), tempeh, miso, kefir, and yogurt. A high quality probiotic supplement may also be indicated.

5. Omega-3 for Period Constipation

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that anti-inflammatory properties and can help to promote beneficial bacteria in the gut (source). The anti-inflammatory properties can help balance out prostaglandins that are anti-inflammatory products produced in the body and when produced in higher amounts can mean more severe cramping right before your period (source, source). Due to their benefits for overall gut health, these essential fatty acids can help with period constipation.

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    6. Warm Lemon Water for Period Constipation

    Just as we talked about the importance of hydration, warm lemon water, particularly first thing in the morning, can help ease period constipation. Adding lemon juice or lemon slices to warm water can serve as a natural period constipation remedy.

    7. Fennel Essential Oil for Period Constipation

    Fennel essential oil can be an effective natural remedy for period constipation (source). When ingested it can have a laxative effect. You can also use fennel essential oil with a carrier oil like jojoba oil or coconut oil and rub it on your abdomen to help with period constipation relief.

    8. Yoga Twists for Period Constipation

    Certain yoga twisting postures can help stimulate the digestive tract to find relief from period constipation. Yoga helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (think the opposite of fight-or-flight) to find peace and calm from stress, which may be contributing to or worsening your period constipation symptoms. Twisting postures also serve as a gentle massage for the digestive organs to help stimulate peristalsis, or that contracting motion of the intestines.

    9. Chia Seeds for Period Constipation

    Chia seeds can help to relief period constipation naturally. They are a good source of fiber, which can add bulk to the stool, and they also form a gel-like consistency when mixed with water that can help promote a softer stool consistency for ease of passage through the digestive tract.

    10. Deep Breathing for Period Constipation

    Just like the twisting yoga poses, deep breathing also helps to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (or our rest-and-digest system). Being in this calm and relaxed state can help to relieve period constipation. We may not even be aware of how shallow our breathing can get throughout the day, especially if we are tense, stressed, and running around. Breathe in for a count of 5 filling up your lungs, breathing into your belly, chest rising, and out for a count of 5. Repeat and notice how your body feels. This is a great way to relax and find period constipation relief.

    Take away message:

    There are several natural remedies to help relieve period constipation. If you’re looking to understand the root causes of your period constipation, check out my hormone testing packages HERE or my gut health testing packages HERE.

    Be sure to check out my FREE hormone guide below for more hormone balancing tips. And my online course Heal Your Period: Everything you need to know to achieve a regular, pain-free period.

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