9 Natural Remedies for Period Nausea

9 Natural Remedies for Period Nausea

Period nausea can be a symptom you experience before or on your period. The period nausea is triggered by the elevation in prostaglandins, which are inflammatory compounds that increase right before your period to help with shedding the uterine lining (your period). High prostaglandins can mean more period pain and can also contribute to period nausea. Imbalances in estrogen or progesterone can lead to prostaglandin imbalances because all the reproductive hormones are connected. Stress is also a predictor of prostaglandins, because cortisol can be inflammatory as well. 

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Here are 9 natural remedies for period nausea:

1. Ginger

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger is one of the natural remedies for period nausea. It has been found that ginger can support women with period nausea. This is important because period nausea and vomiting in pregnancy are typically caused by a rise in estrogen that your body is not used to, and we know that high estrogen is related to high prostaglandins and period nausea. Ginger aids in reducing prostaglandin levels. Stomach emptying is another gut issue that if it takes too long, this can be a sign that the stomach is not functioning right and can cause period nausea. A study found that ginger can shorten the stomach emptying time by 4 minutes when it is consumed after a bowl of soup. 

Source: 27053918, 30545531, 21218090

2. Peppermint

Peppermint is another one of the ways to reduce period nausea due to its muscle relaxant effects, which help reduce period pain. The active ingredient menthol is great for so many inflammatory problems. A study found that the administration of peppermint is beneficial for reducing the pain of the cramps as well as the duration. A mechanism for this is that menthol has a known ‘cooling effect’ due to the body’s “cold receptor” TRPM8 which when bound to menthol causes calcium to be released. The release of calcium explains peppermint’s antispasmodic properties to relax the smooth muscle, and decrease period nausea. 

A study looking at the effect of peppermint on period pain found that it helped to reduce the severity of pain and improve menstrual-related symptoms. The study concludes that peppermint is advised for treating dysmenorrhea (period pain) and has decreased side effects compared to medicinal drugs. 

Source: 27563318

3. Fennel

Fennel is an herb that can help to soothe menstrual cramps and period pain, making it one of the natural remedies for period nausea. A study that looked at the effects of fennel and pain intensity during menstruation found that fennel is an effective herb to help with period pain. Study participants took a 30 mg capsule of fennel extract four times a day for three days of the start of their period. Those who took the fennel extract had a significant reduction in period pain symptoms compared to the control group. It also has antioxidant properties that have been linked to its ability to prevent stomach ulcers. Stomach ulcers are when the stomach acid damages the lining of the stomach and it degrades a hole into the wall, and this can lead to period nausea. 

Source:23559811, 25162032, 17278229,17095420

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can help to reduce period pain and period nausea making it helpful in reducing period nausea. A study looked at the effect of cinnamon on relieving period pain found that cinnamon can reduce the severity of symptoms. Participants took 1000 mg of cinnamon during the first three days of their menstrual cycle for two consecutive cycles and symptoms were significantly reduced compared to the control group. By utilizing cinnamon, you can increase your chances of reducing period nausea.  

Source: 30396627

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    5. Magnesium

    Magnesium is an important mineral in the diet and has many beneficial effects for reducing period nausea and period pain. Many of us have low magnesium levels, but it goes unrecognized in clinical medicine because levels are rarely evaluated. You can think of magnesium as our calming and relaxing mineral. It helps to loosen tight muscles, maintain the health of our muscles (including our heart – the most important muscle), prevent migraine headaches, and balance blood sugar. A study found that magnesium has been shown to relax smooth muscle in the pelvic region to reduce painful contractions and cramps. They also found that magnesium supplementation was linked with an inverse relationship to endometriosis risk. Magnesium is also an anti-inflammatory mineral, which explains its effect on reducing prostaglandins. This shows that low magnesium can make the period nausea and period pain worse because then contractions will be more intense due to the unregulated strain on smooth muscle. 

    Source: 29387426

    6. Omega-3

    Omega 3s are another one of the remedies for reducing period nausea. Omega 3s have anti-inflammatory properties that can help balance out prostaglandins which are the inflammatory products produced in the body. When produced in higher amounts, it can mean more severe cramping.The best-absorbed forms of omega-3s are called DHA and the EPA, which are found in fatty fish like salmon and sardines, and fish oil. While there are plant foods that contain omega-3s like walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flaxseeds, these contain the form called ALA which does not convert to DHA and EPA that well. Since we need these essential nutrients, for vegans or those who don’t eat fish, you can get enough by taking an algae-based omega-3 supplement, a plant-based alternative for fish oil.

    Source: 27544079, 28707491

    7. Acupressure

    Acupressure is based on a theory that certain points in the body are noted as energy points that when stimulated can send bio-energy pathways to other areas of the body to release symptoms. The specific point noted for period nausea is in the inside of the wrist. A systematic review has shown that 16 of 23 studies have concluded that acupressure is an effective method in reducing period nausea and vomiting. Source: 21531533

    8. Bland Foods

    Bland foods like bananas, applesauce, rice, and toast are including in the BRAT diet which is a diet shown to reduce period period nausea. These foods are easiest to break down and digest in the body. Though these foods should not be the only foods you eat, it is important to be aware of what foods can soothe digestion and period nausea. These foods also have low acidity to them which is beneficial because a lot of times, an increase in stomach acidity, which is already extremely acid, can cause period nausea to occur. While experiencing period nausea, try to implement these foods and see how your symptoms change. 

    Source: NIH

    9. Gentle Stretching

    Gentle movement and stretching is also found to be one of the remedies for period nausea and period cramps. Utilizing gentle stretching instead of vigorous intensity exercise may be beneficial for period nausea. Research has shown that exercise can decrease period nausea by reducing the inflammation, and it can help reduce the stress response in the body. Exercise can increase the parasympathetic nervous system during rest while suppressing the stress response from the sympathetic nervous system. Stretching also loosens up tense or tight muscles which will prevent more discomfort during your menstrual cycle. 

    Source: Journal of Research in Health Sciences, 2941706330654775

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