12 Foods for Period Pain

12 Foods for Period Pain

Having a toolkit of hacks for your period cramps can make that time of the month more fulfilling. Remember, while period cramps are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate that something is not working properly or something is out of balance.


-Elevated prostaglandins

Prostaglandins are one of the reasons we can get period cramps. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that the body releases around menstruation that cause the uterus to contract to shed the lining. They are involved in pain and inflammation. High levels of prostaglandins can mean more severe pain. 

Source: 28944048

-Imbalances in estrogen / progesterone

The cramps we feel are actually contractions of the uterus. When prostaglandins are high, progesterone levels are low, which causes an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen, resulting in other common PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, headaches, nausea, and fatigue. 

Source: 28944048


Inflammation occurs when your white blood cells sense an invader or an area of injury in the body, so they release chemicals to surge the area and increase blood flow there. With inflammation comes increased stress response, resulting in higher cortisol, which can cause estrogen and progesterone imbalances. 

Source: 32069859, 27135720

Here are 12 best foods for period pain


Salmon is one of the foods for period pain because it contains omega 3s. Omega 3s have anti-inflammatory properties that can help balance out prostaglandins that are anti-inflammatory products produced in the body. When produced in higher amounts, it can mean more severe cramping.

The best-absorbed forms of omega-3s are called DHA and the EPA, which are found in fatty fish like salmon and sardines and fish oil. While there are plant foods that contain omega-3s like walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and flaxseeds, these contain the form called ALA which does not convert to DHA and EPA that well. Since we need these essential nutrients, for vegans or those who don’t eat fish, you can get enough by taking an algae-based omega-3 supplement, a plant-based alternative for fish oil.

Source: 27544079, 28707491


Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, another one of the foods for period pain is ginger. Ginger can be effective for period cramp relief because of its use as an anti-inflammatory and because it can reduce pain as much as a common NSAID such as ibuprofen. For an effective amount, drink about 4 cups a day. Ginger reduces prostaglandins production, which in return reduces common symptoms associated with PMS such as cramps, mood swings, and headaches. This is why ginger is one of the foods for period pain. 

Source: 22781186, 30545531


DIM stands for diindolylmethane and it is a naturally occurring compound in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower which are foods for period pain. DIM lowers total estrogen by improving estrogen detoxification. If we aren’t properly detoxifying estrogen and eliminating it then it can build up in the system and can contribute to menstrual cramps. Additionally, cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber, which detoxifies excess estrogen that could contribute to period pain. 

Source:  25542144, 27261275


Curcumin is the bioactive ingredient in turmeric, making it one of the foods for period pain. Curcumin is best known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps to reduce inflammation and scavenges free radicals that can damage cells. Moderate or severe cramping can be an indication of inflammation in the body. The antioxidant effects are beneficial to reduce the internal stress response which can balance out progesterone and estrogen, which results in decreased prostaglandins.  

Curcumin is not absorbed well in the bloodstream. Combining turmeric with black pepper or looking for curcumin supplement formation with black pepper or piperine can enhance the absorption of curcumin. Piperine is the bioactive compound found in black pepper that has been shown to increase the absorption of curcumin

Source: 23620848, 24639774


Almonds are another one of the foods for period pain. They are high in vitamin e, a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties, and estrogen detoxification properties. If high estrogen is a cause for your menstrual cramps, consuming almonds as one of the foods for period pain is a great idea. 

Magnesium is also highly abundant in almonds. Many of us have low magnesium levels, but it goes unrecognized in clinical medicine because levels are rarely evaluated. You can think of magnesium as our calming and relaxing mineral. It helps to loosen tight muscles, maintain the health of our muscles (including our heart – the most important muscle), prevent migraine headaches, balance blood sugar, ease anxiety due to its role in our stress response, and ease menstrual cramps.

Source: 29387426, 16091003


Berries contain a host of antioxidants which is why they are one of the foods for period pain. Oxidative stress damages cells and reduces their ability to function, especially when trying to conceive. Increased amounts of oxidative species cause the body to make an inflammatory response and to raise stress levels. Reactive oxygen species or ROS enters the body on a daily basis through many different avenues; these ROS have very high energy levels and can damage cell functionality. Our body responds by sending antioxidants to get rid of the ROS. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance in this system, either too many ROS or not enough antioxidants. Our body can make certain antioxidants on its own, but if we consume them through the diet this makes the antioxidants more readily available to get rid of the ROS and decrease oxidative stress. Managing this oxidative through consuming antioxidants from berries makes it one of the foods for period pain. 

Source: 21130690, 18535004

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    7. Pumpkin Seeds

    Pumpkin Seeds are another one of the foods for period pain. They are rich in zinc, essential fats, and protein. Zinc is a mineral that helps to preserve egg quality and promote ovulation. Researchers have found that when an egg is released, zinc discharge follows the egg into fertilization and promotes cell growth. The essential fats in pumpkin seeds are high in omega 3s, and as mentioned previously, are anti-inflammatory and decrease cramping from reducing prostaglandin activity. The protein benefit in zinc is noted from the essential amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is shown to help improve mood because it is a building block for serotonin, one of our feel-good neurotransmitters. This effect will help reduce negative emotions about cramps when you eat pumpkin seeds as one of the foods for period pain. 

    Source: 26987302, 1530573, 26805875

    8. Carrots

    Carrots are another one of the foods for period pain. They are highly efficient in aiding in estrogen detoxification to stabilize hormone levels. The estrogen detoxification system makes sure that estrogen gets excreted accordingly and doesn’t recirculate in the body. The high estrogen from recirculation can be the cause of many hormonal imbalances causing prostaglandins to rise. Carrots have also been shown to decrease breast cancer risk associated with estrogen levels. 

    Source: 23532538, 30212943

    9. Broccoli Sprouts

    Broccoli sprouts are another one of the foods for period pain. Broccoli sprouts, just like carrots and cruciferous vegetables have a positive effect on estrogen levels through estrogen detoxification. Broccoli sprouts also have a high fiber content which helps with the detoxification process. Sulforaphane is another compound found in broccoli sprouts. A study found that sulforaphane has protective effects against these pathways to inhibit estrogen-induced DNA damage and will lower estrogen naturally through detoxification. 

    Source: 30524952

    10. Sardines

    Sardines are one of the foods for period pain because they are high in omega 3s. As mentioned previously with salmon, the omega 3 content is beneficial because of the anti-inflammatory properties to reduce prostaglandins and associated menstrual cramps. 

    11. Citrus

    Citrus fruits are high in antioxidants just like berries making them one of the foods for period pain. Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and inflammation which has a beneficial effect on cortisol release, and period pain. 

    12. 70% Dark Chocolate

    Dark chocolate is high in magnesium making it one of the foods for period pain. Magnesium as mentioned is a muscle-relaxing mineral that can ease the contractions in the uterus. A study found that magnesium has been shown to relax smooth muscle in the pelvic region to reduce painful contractions and cramps. They also found that magnesium supplementation was linked with an inverse relationship to endometriosis risk, which is a condition defined with life-disrupting period pain. 

    Source: 23380045

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