6 Herbs for Period Pain

6 Herbs for Period Pain

Having a toolkit of hacks for your period cramps can make that time of the month so much more fulfilling. Remember, while period cramps are definitely common, that doesn’t mean that they are normal. Any sort of pain is a sign from your body to investigate that something is not working properly or something is out of balance

Prostaglandins are the reason we can get period cramps. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that the body releases around menstruation that cause the uterus to contract to shed the lining. They are involved in pain and inflammation. High levels of prostaglandins can mean more severe pain. The cramps we feel are actually contractions of the uterus. When prostaglandins are high then progesterone levels are low, and this causes an imbalance between progesterone and estrogen which results in other common PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, headaches, nausea, and fatigue. 

Source: 28944048

Luckily, here are 6 herbs for period pain management:

1. Fennel

Fennel can help to reduce period pain and cramping. A study that looked at the effects of fennel and pain intensity during menstruation found that fennel is an effective herb to help with period pain. The study participants took a 30 mg capsule of fennel extract four times a day for three days of the start of their period. Those who took the fennel extract had a significant reduction in period pain symptoms compared to the control group. This makes fennel one of the herbs for period pain. 

Source: 23559811 

2. Cramp Bark

Cramp bark is another one of the herbs for period pain. Its original name is Guelder-rose, and it originates in Europe, Central Asia, and Northern Africa. Although there have been many uses for cramp bark, relieving period pain tends to be the most popular, hence its nickname. There is a small amount of evidence that cramp bark may be useful for the anti-spasm effect on the uterus, helping it to relax and alleviate cramping pain associated with PMS. Additionally, it can have blood pressure reducing effects and relaxation to smooth muscle in the pelvic region outcomes as well. 

Source: 31437471, 27677719

3. Ginger

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, another one of the great herbs for period pain is Ginger. Ginger can be effective for period pain relief because of its use as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever with the ability to reduce pain as much as a common NSAID such as ibuprofen. For an effective amount, drink about 4 cups a day. Ginger reduces the production of prostaglandins, which in return reduce common symptoms associated with PMS such as cramps, mood swings, and headaches. This is why Ginger is one of the herbs for period pain. 

Source: 22781186, 30545531

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    4. Chamomile

    Chamomile is another one of the herbs for period pain. This herb has antispasmodic properties which means that it can suppress muscle spasms in the uterus that cause contractions. These contractions are little muscle spasms from the smooth muscle that makes up the uterine area. Additionally, in more extreme cases like endometriosis, a study found chamomile to subside lots of pain associated with that condition as well. This is why chamomile is one of the herbs for endometriosis because of its antispasmodic properties. 

    Source: 30588884

    5. Cinnamon

    Another one of the beneficial herbs for period pain is cinnamon. A study looking at the effect of cinnamon on relieving period pain found that cinnamon can reduce the severity of symptoms. Participants took 1000 mg of cinnamon during the first three days of their menstrual cycle for two consecutive cycles and symptoms were significantly reduced compared to the control group. This makes cinnamon one of the herbs for period pain. 

    Source: 30396627

    6. Turmeric

    Turmeric contains the active chemical curcumin, which is one of the herbs for period pain relief. Curcumin is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiangiogenic, which all can be beneficial for the treatment of period pain. The antioxidant effects are beneficial to reduce the internal stress response which can balance out progesterone and estrogen, which results in decreased prostaglandins. This is why turmeric is one of the herbs for period pain. 

    Source: 24639774


    There are several herbs for period pain relief. If you’re looking to understand the root causes of your period pain, check out my hormone testing packages HERE.

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