How to Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally

How to Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally

Estrogen dominance refers to the relationship of estrogen to progesterone. We may think estrogen dominance means elevated estrogen, and that can be true, but it’s more about the relationship of estrogen to progesterone.

Because of this, there are a few different pictures of estrogen dominance:

Elevated estrogen, low progesterone

Elevated estrogen, normal progesterone

Normal estrogen, low progesterone

Estrogen dominance can be behind these common symptoms:

  1. Anxiety

  2. Bloating

  3. Mood Swings

  4. Heavy Bleeding

  5. Brain Fog

  6. Migraines / Cyclical Headaches

  7. Insomnia

  8. Low Sex Drive

  9. Irritability

  10. Painful Periods

  11. Breast Tenderness

  12. Cramps

  13. Thyroid Issues

Here is a list of 12 solutions to the question: how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally?

Uncover Your Picture of Estrogen Dominance

There are different strategies that can help either lowering high estrogen levels or raising low progesterone levels. Understanding your hormone levels through hormone testing can help to guide specific healing strategies.

Lower High Estrogen Levels

1. Ground flax

Ground flaxseed can lower estrogen naturally due to its phytoestrogen component. Flaxseed contains dietary lignans which help to inhibit enzymes that are involved in estrogen metabolism, and are a type of phytoestrogen (plant estrogen). Phytoestrogens exert a weak estrogenic effect, so in the case of high estrogen in women, the phytoestrogens can inhibit the existing estrogen’s function which will lower estrogen naturally. It is important to note that flaxseed should be consumed as ground or milled because the whole seed contains a natural coating that our body can not digest fully. In order to get the most benefit out of flaxseed, pour it in a food processor and blend until it forms a powder, and then it can be added to oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, or pancakes. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally with ground flaxseed. 

Source: 18791924

2. Whole Food Soy

Soy contains isoflavones which are another type of phytoestrogen that can help to lower estrogen naturally when levels are high. The isoflavones are regulatory for estrogen balance, so when levels are high, the isoflavones can bind to estrogen receptors to help lower estrogen naturally. Soy products come in many different variations and isoflavone content. Edamame, which is a premature soybean, will contain fewer isoflavones than tofu or regular soybeans because they are white in color and have matured longer before harvest. 

Organic tofu should be consumed over conventional GMO tofu. A common herbicide in many non-organic tofu items is called glyphosate. Evidence is mixed on how problematic and possibly dangerous the herbicide is, so it is best to consume organic tofu when possible to be safe. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally with organic soy. 

Source: 20347861, Harvard Health, 30612564

3. Cruciferous Vegetables 

Increasing cruciferous vegetable intake is a great way to increase your health status and lower estrogen naturally. Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) is the main compound in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts. A study found that participants who were given the I3C, had decreased concentrations of metabolites that would activate the estrogen receptor, which shows that it can lower estrogen naturally.  

Sulforaphane is another compound found in cruciferous vegetables. At high levels, estrogen has been shown to be carcinogenic by converting into estradiol and estrone, and this process can occur in two different pathways. The promotion of this process will damage the DNA which will cause the carcinogenic effects. A study found that sulforaphane has protective effects against these pathways to inhibit estrogen-induced DNA damage and will lower estrogen naturally through detoxification. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally with cruciferous vegetables.

Source: 9168187

4. Lower or Remove Caffeine

Caffeine is a powerful drug that is a stimulant in the body, which can further promote the stress response in the body. Stress is linked to estrogen imbalances, so lowering caffeine intake when we have high estrogen will cause the body to lower estrogen naturally. Caffeine also affects the way women metabolize estrogen. The consumption of caffeine can cause more estrogen to recirculate in the body when levels are high from the stress response. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally with removing caffeine. 

Source: NIH

5. Lower Red Meat & Opt for Grass-Fed

Grass-fed organic meat is another way to lower estrogen naturally. The livestock animals on factory farms (not grass-fed organic) are produced to grow as big as possible and as fast as possible in order to produce the most amount of meat per animal. These animals are fed large quantities of feed and additionally are supplemented with antibiotics, and growth hormones like estrogen to make them grow faster and bigger. A study found that though the estrogen level in these meat products does not match the amount of estrogen in oral contraceptives, the estrogen in the meat transfers at a significant amount to humans. Because of this, it is recommended to shop for grass-fed and organic meat when you can. These meat options are made from animals who were not mass-produced with hormones, and they were fed their preferred diet which is grass. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally by consuming grass-fed organic meat. 

Source: Journal Clinical Oncology

6. Non-Toxic Products 

Toxic products contain xenoestrogens, which are chemicals that have a structure similar to estrogen. They are so similar that they can cause the same effects that our normal estrogen would in the body. This is why non-toxic products can help to lower estrogen naturally. You may not know, but many of your daily household items contain these xenoestrogens. Here are some examples of some products and ingredients to stay away from.

  Sunscreens: 4-methylbenzylidene (4-MBC) and Benzophenone 

Shampoos, face washes and lotions: parabens

Plastic packaging: BPA, phthalates, DEHP, PCBs

Food: artificial dyes, and BHA a preservative

Cleaning supplies: ammonia, nitrobenzene, formaldehyde, phenol,  

Building Supplies: PCBs in paints and electrical oils

Insecticides: atrazine weed killer, dieldrin, endosulfan

This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally by removing toxic products. 

Source: 26744831

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    Raise Low Progesterone Levels

    7. Zinc

    Zinc is an important mineral used to help promote the reproductive system. A study found that zinc is able to increase the number of binding sites on a progesterone receptor which will increase total progesterone levels. Foods that contain zinc include nuts, seafood, and seeds. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally with consuming zinc foods.

    Source: 7386123

    8. Vitamin B6

    Vitamin B6 is another important water-soluble vitamin to help promote the reproductive system. It can be supplemented or consuming in animal products like lean poultry and seafood. B6 is a powerful vitamin for cognitive development, gluconeogenesis, lipid metabolism, and protein metabolism. A study found that supplementation of B6 increased progesterone levels and decreased estrogen levels. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally by consuming vitamin B6. 

    Source: 6684167, NIH

    9. Vitex

    Vitex, chaste tree, chaste berry, and monk’s pepper are all common names for vitex. It is a plant that has been originated in the Mediterranean and Western Asia as a medicinal treatment to relieve numerous symptoms as well as PMS. The medicinal component of the plant comes from the essential oils and flavonoids in it. A mechanism for why vitex is a way to increase progesterone naturally is because it can decrease prolactin which allows full development of the corpus luteum, the organ that releases progesterone, which causes progesterone levels to increase. It can also stimulate luteinizing hormone (LH), which is the brain hormone that signals to the ovaries to produce progesterone. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally by supplementing with vitex.

    Source: NIH

    10. Magnesium

    Magnesium is another one of the ways to increase progesterone naturally. Magnesium is a mineral that helps with muscle protein synthesis, nerve functioning, and it is a cofactor for many enzymatic reactions. A study found an inverse relationship with magnesium and estrogen, showing that as magnesium levels increased and estrogen decreased. We know that estrogen and progesterone work in opposition so when estrogen levels are low this means that there will be an increase in progesterone naturally. Good sources of magnesium include nuts, seeds, legumes, fish, and leafy greens. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally with magnesium. 

    Sources: 10231048

    11. Manage Stress

    Managing stress is another way to increase progesterone naturally. When we are stressed we release high levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. In response to this, our body is trying to survive given threatening circumstances, so the body will pump the brakes to avoid pregnancy. This is because our body wouldn’t predict us to be healthy enough to survive a pregnancy under stressful conditions. Stress can be caused by a high paced job environment, family problems, too much exercise, and a common one is a stress from the act of conceiving itself. Managing stress will decrease the amount of cortisol that we release, and therefore we will increase progesterone naturally because our bodies will understand that we are not threatened and pregnancy is safe. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally by managing stress. 

    Source: 27981182, 26772181

    12. Gentle Exercise

    Exercise is very important for many functions of the body but it can also increase progesterone naturally. It is important to not go overboard with intense exercise because this can actually keep your progesterone levels low. Over-exercising puts high stress on the body when you are not taking advantage of rest. Gentle exercise like going on a walk, a bike ride, or a swim at a moderate intensity would be a perfect way to move your body to increase progesterone naturally. If you can hold a conversation while completing the activity or exercise without needing to catch your breath, then this is moderate intensity. Gentle exercise will help you to maintain a comfortable body fat percentage which can affect progesterone production. As a rule of thumb, most females need at least 17% body fat to maintain a normal hormone function for a healthy and regular menstrual cycle. This is how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally by utilizing gentle exercise. 

    Source:  21467231

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