25 Menstrual Cycle Symptoms

25 Menstrual Cycle Symptoms

Though the time of the month may be uncomfortable, painful, or annoying due to menstrual cycle symptoms, it is important to remember that a monthly cycle is normal and should be celebrated because a healthy period can detour you from developing complications later in life like osteoporosis, PCOS, and many forms of cancer. The menstrual cycle is entirely dependent on your hormone levels specifically, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Each month you are preparing to get pregnant, and when your egg doesn’t get fertilized during ovulation, then your body will drop in hormones, release the egg and excrete the uterine lining which would have been used to support the fetus. Though you may have a normal monthly cycle, there are menstrual cycle symptoms which can be comprehended as hormone imbalance. Here we discuss 25 menstrual cycle symptoms to help you understand why they happen, and if these symptoms may mean there is an additional underlying issue. 

Source: 18395582 

1. Acne

Acne is one of the menstrual cycle symptoms due to hormonal imbalances with estrogen/progesterone, elevated androgen levels, and gut issues. 

In each pore of our skin, we have sebaceous glands that produce sebum, an oil-like liquid, which helps to moisturize and protect our skin. When too many dead skin cells collect on the top of the skin in conjunction with high amounts of sebum, this can create a clog in our sebaceous glands and will result in inflammation. Our body will respond to this inflammation by sending white blood cells to the site of the clog which forms the white-headed pimples called acne.

If you have elevated androgens (male-like hormones) during your cycle this can increase acne to be one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. Testosterone gets converted into a different form called DHT which has the ability to increase the production of sebum in the sebaceous glands to further produce acne. 

When estrogen is produced too much in ratio to progesterone, called estrogen dominance, you can develop overly dry skin, which causes inflammation, irritation and the sebaceous glands will respond by producing an excess of sebum. 

Poor gut health is another reason that acne is one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. As mentioned before, estrogen dominance or high estrogen is a cause for acne. The gut is actually a mechanism for excreting estrogen from the body to prevent recirculation. If you are constipated, not eating enough fiber, there will be an increase in estrogen before your cycle that can cause acne.

Source: 25506579, European Journal , 31284694

2. Anxiety

Another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms is anxiety. Anxiety is slightly different from stress. Stress is a reaction to physical or emotional demands or to a threat (real or perceived). Anxiety is feelings of fear, worry or unease, and anxiety episodes or attacks can be the product of a stressful event. Anxiety is a signal that the body sends to us to look into something deeper that something is out of line.

Anxiety can be tied to certain nutrient deficiencies: low levels of zinc, iron, vitamin D, magnesium, omega-3 all of which are important for balancing healthy sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. The stress from anxiety can cause constipation, and this gut issue can impact our ability to absorb adequate nutrients from our food. 

Additionally, this stress and the associated cortisol release can send a cascade down to our sex hormones and we can experience anxiety as a result of these hormone imbalances.

Source: 21855828

3. Bloating

Another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms is bloating. Bloating is when our outer skin expands in response to water retention or aggravation in the gut. If bloating is one of your menstrual cycle symptoms, this can be caused by estrogen dominance and/or gut issues. High estrogen or estrogen dominance has been associated with increased water retention. This happens because the estrogen lowers the osmotic threshold for which water is reabsorbed in the body. 

Additionally, if we have low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) or decreased functioning of the pancreas resulting in a low output of digestive enzymes we can experience bloating. This is because adequate stomach acid and digestive enzymes are needed to break down and digest our food. If they are low bloating can occur. Imbalances in gut bacteria can also contribute to bloating.

Source: 18580296 

4. Brain Fog 

Confusion, forgetfulness, and inability to focus are all noted as brain fog and can be another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. A study found that estrogen receptors have a very important role in cognition and brain function. Due to this, when estrogen is imbalanced, these functions can become hindered to cause brain fog.

Source: 29311911

5. Breast Pain 

Estrogen dominance is a root cause of breast pain. This is why it is another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms due to an imbalance with estrogen which causes an imbalance in progesterone. Usually, breast pain occurs a little bit before ovulation around day 12-15 of your cycle. Additionally, progesterone is at an all-time low during this time while estrogen is high, causing estrogen dominance, and because of the difference in hormone levels, this puts stress on the breast tissue causing them to hurt. 

Source: 27493619

6. Constipation 

Constipation is another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms because it causes slow estrogen detoxification. Constipation is a common symptom of women with high estrogen. This is because estrogen is eliminated from the body in the fecal matter, so when you are constipated, the estrogen will reaccumulate form decreased bowel movements. Fiber induces bowel movements to combat constipation. Studies have found an inverse relationship with fiber and many reproductive hormone levels, so it shows that when the fiber is low in the diet it causes high estrogen. Another study showed that increasing dietary fiber in the diet increased the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle as well, which can help to balance hormones and regulate your cycle. 

Source: 24227943 19692496 18761407

7. Cramps 

Another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms is cramps. The cramps in the uterus can be caused by high amplitude contractions, increased uterine tone, and high levels of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are sex hormones that work in a direct relationship with estrogen. As prostaglandins rise, so does estrogen. Prostaglandins in the reproductive system aid in contractions for labor, but when you are not in labor, these contractions are labeled as cramps. Prostaglandins are pro-inflammatory hormones and can make cramps one of the more unpleasant menstrual cycle symptoms.  

Source:  28944048

8. Cravings

Another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms is cravings. Cravings are our body’s way of telling us what we are missing in our diet. Our brain chemistry and mood chemicals can also be the driving factors behind our food cravings. We need amino acids from protein foods plus certain vitamins/minerals to build these mood chemicals, which explains a craving for a savory burger. Carbs can give us a little serotonin boost, which is why we may gravitate towards them more. Cravings for foods with fat may be due to a need for fatty acids. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties and can help to balance the effects of prostaglandins – inflammatory compounds released right before your period to help shed the uterine lining.

Insulin sensitivity decreases in the luteal phase, meaning it’s extra important to incorporate protein and healthy fats at meals and snacks to help keep blood sugar balanced. Blood sugar crashes resulting from long periods of time between meals, not enough protein/fat, or overly restricting food can lead us to unintentionally overdo it.

It is also important to note that food may also be a way we have learned to manage our emotions or for comfort or numbing which is why cravings are one of the menstrual cycle symptoms.

Source: 28349668

9. Depression 

Depression is another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. Of course, many people are already formally diagnosed with clinical depression, but depression may come and go specifically during menstruation for some women. Mood and cognition stability are both heavily reliant on estrogen balance. Estradiol and estrone are different forms of the estrogen molecule that we produce. It has been shown that estradiol is more beneficial to regulate depressive episodes and has antidepressant effects when taken in normal limits, but with low levels, it can cause depression and unstable emotions which are menstrual cycle symptoms. Your hormones must be balanced so that depression can be avoided as one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. 

Source: 23990808

10. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the most common gastrointestinal issues associated with menstrual cycle symptoms. Diarrhea should never occur because it means that your gut is not working properly because the food bulk is passing through too quickly. This can happen because prostaglandin, a hormone that functions in smooth muscle contractions, can reduce the absorption and can promote the secretion of electrolytes causing the food to move quickly through the gut.  

Source: 24450290

11. Fatigue

Another one of the common menstrual cycle symptoms is fatigue. Fatigue is defined as having low energy, tiredness, and weak muscles. This can occur during menstruation because there is a high output of blood which eliminates iron, a vital mineral for transporting oxygen around the body. Also, the menstruation process in its self uses a lot of energy in general to excrete the uterine lining. There is also preconceived psychological stress from the bleeding process of menstruation which can cause fatigue to be one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. 

Source: 28384857

12. Hair Loss

Hair loss is another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms due to the effect that hormones can place on hair growth and retention. Stress can result in hormone imbalances. It’s important to make sure you’re eating enough, incorporating calming practices (like journaling or meditating), and may need to scale back on high-intensity workouts and opt for lower intensity ones like yoga, pilates, and strength training.

Blood sugar imbalances can also impact hormone levels (and vice versa). Eating consistently and including a balance of carbs, fats, and protein at meals will help to keep you off the blood sugar rollercoaster.

Gut issues and low digestive enzymes / low stomach acid (can be a result of stress) can impact nutrient absorption so we could end up deficient this way. Or if we simply aren’t getting adequate nutrients through food.

All these factors will affect hormone levels and can contribute to hair loss as one of the menstrual cycle symptoms.

Source: 28492055


    13. Headaches / Migraines

    Headaches can be one of the menstrual cycle symptoms as well. When progesterone is low, estrogen is usually high and it has been shown that estrogen can interfere with cellular responsiveness and cerebral vessels. Through passive diffusion, estrogen can cross the blood-brain barrier very easily, so this causes the brain levels of estrogen to reflect the levels within the rest of the body’s circulation. When levels of estrogen are high in circulation in the body, this causes an increase of estrogen in the brain and a low level of progesterone. The high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone are what can cause cyclic headaches as one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. 

    Source:  22367631, 24456509

    14. Heavy Period 

    Ever find yourself changing a super tampon twice in the hour? You may have a heavy period as one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. Heavy menstrual bleeding is defined as secreting more than 80 mL of blood per menstrual cycle, though it is reported that about 50% of females who report heavy menstrual bleeding, do not meet the 80 mL standard. The normal bleeding amount is only 50-60 mL of blood.  With heavy blood output, it’s important to maintain healthy blood iron levels, so they don’t drop too low. Progesterone administration has been shown in a study to have protective effects in reducing the flow of heavy periods. Heavy bleeding is caused by polyps which are when there is enlarged tissue growth in the endometrial cavity. Estrogen functions to build up the endometrial wall for menstruation, so when levels of estrogen increase the build-up of tissue on the wall will increases. This hormonal imbalance can cause a heavy period to be one of the menstrual cycle symptoms.

    Source: 26695831 26695687

    15. Infertility

    Infertility is another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. This is because to be fertile our body needs to have a stable balance of hormones. Without optimal estrogen and progesterone, the body doesn’t think we are stable enough to carry a pregnancy, and therefore we become infertile. Specifically, progesterone needs to be balanced because this hormone means ‘pro’ to promote and ‘gesterone’ meaning pregnancy. Many studies have found that the beneficial use of administering progesterone to patients who are infertile has increased conception and pregnancy rates. 


    16. Insomnia  

    Insomnia is the difficulty of falling asleep at night. It is one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. Balanced hormone levels are extremely important for good sleep. A study found that in both perimenopausal and postmenopausal women who were administered a low dose of estradiol there was an increase in sleep quality and insomnia was decreased. The study concluded that balanced estrogen and progesterone can have positive effects on sleep quality. 

    Source: 25325454

    17. Irregular Period 

    A regular period falls anywhere between 21 to 35 days (28 is the average), anything outside of this time frame is a sign of one of the menstrual cycle symptoms, irregular periods. Irregular periods occur due to a variety of reasons, but its main cause is the lack of normal ovulation. Lack of ovulation, where the egg is not released from the ovary causes low progesterone because the body is not preparing for pregnancy. Some reasons for irregular periods can be stress, PCOS, not eating enough, or coming off of oral contraceptives. 

    Source: 25681845 , Book on the Menstrual Cycle

    18. Low Libido

    Libido is the drive for sex and reproduction and is promoted by hormones. If one of your menstrual cycle symptoms is low libido, you may have some low levels of estrogen and progesterone. It is natural to have somewhat of a normal sex drive because it is our way to continue the evolution of our species. The balance between estrogen and progesterone must be reconnected in order to get the libido back. 

    Source: 26589379

    19. Missing Period

    If you are missing your period this is a sign bad sign for your menstrual cycle symptoms. If your period has been consistently missing for more than 3 months it’s time to do a little digging. A missing period can be a sign of hypothalamic amenorrhea or PCOS. Both can affect ovulation, but the root causes are different. PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is when you have 2 out of 3: lack of ovulation/irregular periods, polycystic ovaries on ultrasound, or elevated androgens (DHEA or testosterone). Hypothalamic amenorrhea is a missing period often due to overexercising/undereating that acts as a stress on the body and hormones shut down.

    Source: Book on the Menstrual Cycle

    20. Nausea 

    Nausea is another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. A study found that estrogen can stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which is used to relax smooth muscle in the stomach. This causes a decrease in gastric emptying and the time food spends in the intestines. 

    Source: 21601782

    21. Night Sweats 

    Night sweats or hot flashes occur in about 85% of postmenopausal women. Night sweats are caused by an increase of blood flow to areas of the body at a rapid rate for about 1-5 minutes at a time. The mechanism of this is that there is excessive dilation of blood vessels which causes a decrease in blood pressure and a loss of heat in parts of the body. Right after ovulation, your progesterone rises and with it, your basal body temperature rises too. At this time estrogen levels begin to decline. This hormonal shift affects your hypothalamus, the area in your brain that regulates body temperature. The lower levels of estrogen cause a release of norepinephrine which can affect your sensitivity to changes in body temperature. Night sweats can occur due to this hormonal shift and are one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. 

    Source:  31001050

    22. Painful Period

    Painful periods can be caused by estrogen dominance. Our hormones need to be in balance with each other in order to allow our bodies to function properly. When estrogen is elevated, then other hormones are suppressed, especially progesterone. Studies have shown benefits to endometriosis period pain when patients suppress estrogen levels. This is because the endometrial tissue contains a higher amount of estrogen beta receptors on it which is why estrogen dominance can be worsening the period pain during the menstrual cycle. Additionally, estrogen production is in direct relation with prostaglandins and we know that this hormone is produced to help shed the uterine lining during menstruation. 

    Source: Period Pain Book31508191

    23. Short Period

    Another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms is having a short period. A short period is defined as menstruation less than 3 days, and this is caused by low hormone levels. This is a sign that hormone levels are dropping below normal, and if untreated can lead to amenorrhea or the cessation of your period unrelated to menopause. 

    Source: 1120778

    24. Spotting

    Spotting is another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms and it is when you had a few drops of blood on the last few days of your cycle. This is caused by the decrease in progesterone levels because you are not preparing for pregnancy. 

    Source: Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Book

    25. Vaginal Dryness

    Lastly, vaginal dryness is another one of the menstrual cycle symptoms. When estrogen is low or when progesterone is abnormally high, there becomes a cascade of effects in the vaginal region. Low estrogen causes less glucose produced which decreases lactic acid production. This results in an increase in pH making the vagina more basic when it is usually more acidic. This will cause inflammation, dryness from low production of cervical fluid, and an overgrowth of other bacteria. 

    Source: 20042564


    There are many menstrual cycle symptoms you may experience - each one can indicate something going on or out of balance in your body. If you’re looking to understand the root causes of your menstrual cycle symptoms, check out my hormone testing packages HERE.

    Be sure to check out my FREE hormone guide & 5-day meal plan below for more hormone balancing tips. And my online course Heal Your Period: Everything you need to know to achieve a regular, pain-free period.

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