Top 9 PMS Relief Supplements

Top 9 PMS Relief Supplements

PMS relief supplements can be incorporated to help minimize symptoms. PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is a range of symptoms women may experience a week or two before their period. Common symptoms of PMS include bloating, headaches,moodiness, and cramps. The easiest thing to do to relieve PMS symptoms is to pop an Advil, Tylenol, or Motrin, however, if you are constantly using these pain relievers to alleviate your PMS symptoms, you risk hurting the lining of your gut, ultimately causing many adverse effects. Factors such as diet, lifestyle, and genetics affect the presence and severity of PMS symptoms, so it is important to align nutrition, movement, and lifestyle in a way that supports your menstrual cycle and hormones. PMS symptoms can be very frustrating and can interfere with your quality of life, so it is important to be proactive and take the steps necessary to prevent the onset of these uncomfortable symptoms.

Here are the top 9 PMS relief supplements:

1. Turmeric

Curcumin is the active compound found in turmeric. It has many anti-inflammatory and neurological effects which make it a great PMS relief supplement. Studies have found that the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin may help with PMS symptoms (1). Turmeric may come in a supplement form or you can use it to season your food. Always make sure that the turmeric supplement you are taking has black pepper, because the compounds in the pepper make curcumin more available in the body. Curcumin is fat soluble, so it’s a good idea to take the supplement with a meal that contains fat for optimal absorption.

2. Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids, like omega-3s, are another important PMS relief supplement. Many studies have researched the impact essential fatty acids may have on relieving premenstrual stress symptoms and have found that symptoms improved the most when given a 2 gram dose of a fatty acid supplement (2). Fish oil or an algae-based omega-3 are great PMS relief supplements to try out!

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the best PMS relief supplements. Studies have found that magnesium helps with reducing cravings, depression, and anxiety associated with PMS. Studies have also found that a combination of magnesium with vitamin B6 works even more effectively as a PMS relief supplement (3).

4. Vitamin B6 

Vitamin B6 is a great PMS relief supplement. As mentioned above, vitamin B6 and magnesium together has shown to be an effective PMS relief supplement combination (3). Vitamin B6 can help to balance estrogen and progesterone and support our adrenal function, which is important for our stress response. In addition, vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in brain development, cognitive function, and mood chemical production so it can be a great PMS relief supplement if you experience anxiety with PMS (4).

5. Vitex (Chasteberry)

Vitex, also known as chasteberry, is a shrub originating from the Mediterranean and western Asia. The berries are the part of the plant that contains many medicinal properties. Chasteberry extract is an effective PMS relief supplement that works by reducing levels of follicle‐stimulating hormone and increasing luteinizing hormone helping to balance estrogen and progesterone levels (5). 

One proposed mechanism of action is that chasteberry extract causes a decrease in prolactin, which leads to a reversal of LH suppression allowing full development of the corpus luteum, increasing progesterone levels and reducing symptoms of PMS.  Chasteberry is an excellent PMS relief supplement.

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    6. Calcium

    Calcium levels typically fluctuate during your menstrual cycle and can be one of the leading contributors of PMS. Calcium is one of the best PMS relief supplements, especially if you suffer from mood related symptoms of PMS, such as mood swings, depression or anxiety. According to a study conducted by the Obstetrics & Gynecology Science in 2017,  calcium supplementation (1,200 mg/day) significantly reduced premenstrual depression, fatigue, edema, and pain in women with PMS (6). This PMS relief supplement will not only help relieve the discomfort of your menstrual cycle, but it is also essential for healthy bones!

    7. Evening Primrose oil

    Evening primrose oil is an excellent PMS relief supplement. The active ingredient in evening primrose oil is gamma-linoleic acid, which is a component of essential fatty acids. Symptoms such as tender breasts, depression, anxiety and irritability may be improved through the use of an evening primrose oil supplement (7, 8).

    8. Vitamin D 

    Some common symptoms of PMS include depression and anxiety, which is where vitamin D comes into play and provides many benefits. Studies have found that Vitamin D can help in the prevention and treatment of depression, which makes it a great supplement for individuals who suffer from those symptoms of PMS. Vitamin D supplementation was associated with a reduction in the incidence of several symptoms of PMS such as backache and tendency to cry easily as well as decrement in pain severity of dysmenorrhea, making it a powerful PMS relief supplement (9).

    9. Zinc

    Zinc helps to support the menstrual cycle, making it a great PMS relief supplement. Zinc deficiency can occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (10). Zinc has been shown to help improve PMS symptoms and is crucial fro stable moods so it can be helpful if you experience anxiety with PMS (11).

    Take Away Message 

    PMS relief supplements are one of the easiest and safest ways to alleviate the dreaded discomfort that comes along with your menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms can wreak havoc on the quality of our life so it is important to be proactive by living a healthy lifestyle. Always make sure to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, avoiding smoking, eating a healthy diet and limiting alcohol. Use supplements as a way to boost to your healthy habits, not as a way to counterbalance unhealthy behaviors in your lifestyle. Always make sure to consult with your healthcare practitioner before trying out any of these PMS relief supplements to make sure they do not interact with any medications or other health concerns you may have.

    If you’re looking to understand the root causes of your PMS, check out my hormone testing packages HERE.

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